CZ:Core Articles/Social Sciences

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Core Home
Natural Sciences
Social Sciences
Applied Arts and Sciences

Anthropology - Stage 3

(10) = worth this number of points   * = external, to replace or rewrite   ** = micro-stub

  1. Ethnography
  2. Ethnology
  3. Forensic anthropology
  4. Cultural anthropology
  5. Homo
  6. Homo sapiens
  7. Primatology
  8. Nutritional anthropology
  9. Economic anthropology
  10. Cultural ecology
  11. Ethnomusicology
  12. Cognitive anthropology
  13. Myth - currently a disambig
  14. Ritual
  15. Symbolism
  16. Culture
  17. Ethnicity
  18. Tools or Tool use
  19. Folklore
  20. Indigeneity
  21. Participant observation
  22. Artifact
  23. Grave goods
  24. Subsistence
  25. Transhumance
  26. Swidden
  27. Horticulture
  28. Pastoralism
  29. Hunter-gatherer or Forager
  30. Nomad
  31. Reciprocity
  32. Qualitative research
  33. Quantitative research

  1. Caste
  2. Moiety
  3. Patrilineage
  4. Matrilineage
  5. Cross-cousin
  6. Dowry
  7. Bridewealth
  8. Affine
  9. Kinship
  10. Exogamy
  11. Endogamy
  12. Kula ring
  13. Potlatch
  14. Rite of passage
  15. Habitus
  16. Liminality
  17. Communitas
  18. Shaman
  19. Animism
  20. Cosmology
  21. Cosmogony
  22. Emic
  23. Etic
  24. Syncretism
  25. Acculturation
  26. Colonialism
  27. Ontogeny
  28. Witchcraft
  29. Magic
  30. Divination
  31. Environmental determinism
  32. Linguistic determinism
  33. Cultural determinism

  1. Robert Broom
  2. Raymond Dart
  3. Donald Johanson
  4. Louis Leakey
  5. Richard Leakey
  6. Phillip Tobias
  7. F. Clark Howell
  8. Mary Leakey
  9. Franz Boas
  10. Napoleon Chagnon
  11. Margaret Mead
  12. Clifford Geertz
  13. Jane Goodall
  14. Diane Fossey
  15. Herbert Spencer
  16. Victor Turner

Already-written core articles in this workgroup

(Core Article points not available for these articles.)

Start listing already-existing core articles here

Second column

Third column

Economics - Stage 2

(10) = worth this number of points   * = external, to replace or rewrite   ** = micro-stub


  1. Business economics (10)
  2. Comparative advantage (10)
  3. Competition (10)
  4. Economic efficiency (5)
  5. Financial economics (5)
  6. International economics (10)
  7. Public goods (5)
  8. Supply and demand (10)
  9. Elasticity (5)
  10. Theory of the firm (5)
  11. Welfare economics (10)


  1. Austrian School (5)
  2. Balance of payments (2)
  3. Budget deficit (2)
  4. Competition policy (5)
  5. Economies of scale (2)
  6. Elasticity (2)
  7. Endogenous growth (2)
  8. Externalities (2)
  9. General equilibrium (2)
  10. GNP or GDP (2)
  11. Monetary economics (5)
  12. Money supply (2)
  13. Neolassical economics (5)
  14. Rational expectations (2)
  15. Terms of trade (2)


  1. Central bank (2)
  2. Economic history (2)
  3. Economic models (2)
  4. Markets (2)
  5. Precautionary principle (2)
  6. Sustainability (2)

Already-written core articles in this workgroup

(Core Article points not available for these articles.)

Start listing already-existing core articles here

Second column

Third column

Education - Stage 1

(10) = worth this number of points   * = external, to replace or rewrite   ** = micro-stub

  1. Education
  2. Early childhood education
  3. Primary education
  4. Adult education
  5. Higher education
  6. Pedagogy
  7. John Dewey
  8. Paulo Freire
  9. Philosophy of education
  10. Learning

Second column

  1. Situated learning
  2. Informal learning
  3. Distributed learning
  4. Problem-based learning
  5. Multicultural education
  6. Multiple intelligences
  7. Performance assessment
  8. Mentoring
  9. The brain and learning
  10. Social learning

Third column

  1. Learning theories
  2. Enactivism
  3. Phenomenology
  4. Constructivism
  5. Accreditation (education)
  6. Educational leadership
  7. Educational psychology (applied)
  8. Behaviorism
  9. Distance education
  10. Exceptional education
  11. Critical-cultural pedagogy

Already-written core articles in this workgroup

(Core Article points not available for these articles.)

Start listing already-existing core articles here

Second column

Third column

Geography - Stage 3

(10) = worth this number of points   * = external, to replace or rewrite   ** = micro-stub

  1. Continent
  2. Island
  3. Continental shelf
  4. Plate tectonics
  5. Archipelago
  6. Cove
  7. Coast
  8. Plateau
  9. North America
  10. South America
  11. Antarctica
  12. Pacific Ocean
  13. Atlantic Ocean
  14. Indian Ocean
  15. Mount Everest
  16. K2
  17. Kangchenjunga
  18. Lhotse
  19. Makalu
  20. Caspian Sea
  21. Lake Superior
  22. Lake Victoria
  23. Lake Huron
  24. Lake Michigan
  25. Nile
  26. Amazon
  27. Yangtze
  28. Mississippi-Missouri
  29. Ob'-Irtysh
  30. Russian Federation
  31. Chongqing
  32. Tokyo
  33. Mexico City
  34. Sao Paulo
  35. Delhi
  36. Kolkata
  37. Buenos Aires
  38. Jakarta
  39. Shanghai
  40. Dhaka
  41. Los Angeles
  42. Karachi
  43. Rio de Janeiro
  44. Osaka
  45. Cairo
  46. Lagos
  47. Beijing
  48. Manila
  49. Moscow
  50. Caribbean Sea
  51. Mediterranean Sea
  52. Gulf of Mexico
  53. Hudson Bay
  54. North Sea
  55. Black Sea
  56. Baltic Sea
  57. Bay of Bengal
  58. Red Sea
  59. Persian Gulf
  60. South China Sea
  61. Bering Sea
  62. Sea of Okhotsk
  63. Sea of Japan
  64. East China Sea
  65. Yellow Sea

  1. Desert
  2. Tundra
  3. Step
  4. Savanna
  5. Argentina
  6. Kazakhstan
  7. Sudan
  8. Luxembourg
  9. Switzerland
  10. Denmark
  11. Qatar
  12. Austria
  13. Tropic of Cancer
  14. Tropic of Capricorn
  15. Rain Forest
  16. Arctic Circle
  17. Poles
  18. Equator

Third column

Already-written core articles in this workgroup

(Core Article points not available for these articles.)

  1. Oceania
  2. Europe
  3. Asia
  4. Arctic Ocean
  5. Africa

Second column

Third column

Law - Stage 2

(10) = worth this number of points   * = external, to replace or rewrite   ** = micro-stub

The categorization is provisional, see Law workgroup page

  1. International law
  2. Maritime law
  3. Natural law
  4. Roman law
  5. European Convention on Human Rights
  6. European Community Law

Second column

  1. Adoption
  2. Adultery
  3. Arbitration
  4. Asset
  5. Attorney
  6. Bankruptcy
  7. Bill of attainder
  8. Blue law
  9. Canon law
  10. Capital punishment
  11. Censorship
  12. Constitution
  13. Consumer protection
  14. Contract
  15. Copyright
  16. Corporation
  17. Court of law
  18. Crime
  19. Criminal law
  20. Defendant
  21. Divorce
  22. Double jeopardy
  23. Drug prohibition
  24. Due process
  25. Environmental law
  26. Forensics
  27. Fraud
  28. Human Rights
  29. Judge
  30. Jury
  31. Labor law
  32. Magna Carta
  33. Murder
  34. Nullification
  35. Prosecution
  36. Salic law
  37. Sovereign immunity
  38. Tax

Third column

Already-written core articles in this workgroup

(Core Article points not available for these articles.)
  1. Antitrust
  2. Bill of rights
  3. Civil law
  4. Common law
  5. Treaty
  6. U.S. Constitution

Start listing already-existing core articles here

Second column

Third column

Linguistics - Stage 4

(10) = worth this number of points   * = external, to replace or rewrite   ** = micro-stub

  1. Noam Chomsky (10)
  2. Morphology (linguistics)* (10)
  3. Phonetics* (10)
  4. Semantics (linguistics) (10)
  5. Syntax* (10)
  6. Applied linguistics* (5)
  7. Clinical linguistics (5)
  8. Cognitive linguistics* (5)
  9. Historical linguistics (5)
  10. History of linguistics* (5)
  11. Language evolution (5)
  12. Psycholinguistics* (5)
  13. Sociolinguistics (5)
  14. Theoretical linguistics* (5)
  15. Universal grammar (5)
  16. Alphabet (2)
  17. Accent (linguistics) (2)
  18. Computational linguistics* (2)
  19. Corpus linguistics* (2)
  20. Ferdinand de Saussure (2)
  21. Dialect* (2)
  22. Language attrition* (2)
  23. Lingua franca* (2)
  24. Linguistic prescriptivism* (2)
  25. Linguistic typology* (2)
  26. Linguistic variation* (2)
  27. Multilingualism* (2)
  28. Neurolinguistics (2)
  29. Optimality Theory (2)
  30. Poverty of the stimulus (2)
  31. Sapir–Whorf hypothesis (2)
  32. Structuralism (2)
  33. Writing system (2)

  1. Adjective (1)
  2. Adverb (1)
  3. Anaphor (1)
  4. Afro-Asiatic languages (1)
  5. Arabic language* (1)
  6. Article (linguistics) (1)
  7. Bengali language (1)
  8. Biolinguistics (1)
  9. Cantonese language (1)
  10. Chinese language (1)
  11. Conjunction (1)
  12. Case (1)
  13. Clinical linguistics (1)
  14. Cryptanalysis (1)
  15. David Crystal (1)
  16. Definiteness (1)
  17. Deixis (1)
  18. Descriptive linguistics* (1)
  19. Dialectology (1)
  20. Discourse analysis (1)
  21. Endangered languages (1)
  22. Forensic linguistics (1)
  23. Hindi language (1)
  24. Illocutionary act (1)
  25. Implicature (1)
  26. Indo-European languages (1)
  27. Interlanguage (1)
  28. International language (1)
  29. Ray Jackendoff (1)
  30. Javanese language (1)
  31. Language family (1)
  32. Lexical phonology (1)
  33. Linguistic relativity (1)

  1. Linguistic universal* (1)
  2. List of notable linguists** (1)
  3. Locutionary act (1)
  4. Mandarin language (1)
  5. Markedness (1)
  6. Minimality (1)
  7. Monitor theory* (1)
  8. Morpheme (1)
  9. Morphographic writing system (1)
  10. Orthography (1)
  11. Polish language (1)
  12. Pitch-accent language (1)
  13. Preposition (1)
  14. Presupposition (linguistics) (1)
  15. Prosodic hierarchy (1)
  16. Punjabi language* (1)
  17. Reference (1)
  18. Sanskrit (1)
  19. Edward Sapir (1)
  20. Sense (1)
  21. Semiotics (1)
  22. Semitic languages (1)
  23. Sino-Tibetan languages (1)
  24. Speech acts (1)
  25. Stress (linguistics) (1)
  26. Stress-accent language (1)
  27. Stylistics (1)
  28. Syllabic writing system (1)
  29. Tone language (1)
  30. Translation (1)
  31. Urdu language (1)
  32. Word (1)
  33. Written language (1)

Already-written core articles in this workgroup

(Core Article points not available for these articles.)

  1. Communication
  2. Comparative linguistics
  3. Constructed language
  4. Contact language
  5. Creole language
  6. Creolistics
  7. Critical period hypothesis
  8. Descriptive linguistics
  9. English language (2)
  10. First language acquisition
  11. Fossilization (language acquisition)
  12. French language

  1. Generative linguistics
  2. German language
  3. Grammar
  4. Language
  5. Language acquisition
  6. Linguistics
  7. Natural language
  8. Noun
  9. Japanese language
  10. Phonology
  11. Pidgin language
  12. Portuguese language

  1. Pragmatics
  2. Pronoun
  3. Proto-Indo-European language
  4. Reading
  5. Russian language
  6. Second language acquisition
  7. Sign language
  8. Spanish language
  9. Spoken language
  10. Syllable
  11. Verb

Politics - Stage 2

(10) = worth this number of points   * = external, to replace or rewrite   ** = micro-stub


  1. Political systems (10)
  2. Electoral systems (10)
  3. Political parties (10)
  4. International organizations (10)
  5. History of political thought (10)
  6. The United Nations (5)
  7. European Union** (5)



Already-written core articles in this workgroup

(Core Article points not available for these articles.)

Start listing already-existing core articles here

Second column

Third column

Psychology - Stage 2

(10) = worth this number of points   * = external, to replace or rewrite   ** = micro-stub

  1. Intelligence
  2. Memory
  3. Perception
  4. Sensation
  5. Personality
  6. Dissociation
  7. Schema
  8. Affect
  9. Attitude
  10. Motivation
  11. Social loafing
  12. Temperament
  13. Classical conditioning
  14. Operant conditioning
  15. Cognitive behavioral therapy
  16. Psychodynamics
  17. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
  18. Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
  19. Bystander effect
  20. Dysphoria
  21. Euphoria
  22. Substance dependence
  23. Substance abuse
  24. Rapid eye movement
  25. Gestalt

Important individuals

  1. B. F. Skinner
  2. Ivan Pavlov
  3. Carl Jung
  4. Abraham Maslow
  5. Carl Rogers
  6. Wilhelm Wundt
  7. Bipolar disorder
  8. Anxiety disorder
  9. Obsessive-compulsive disorder
  10. Posttraumatic stress disorder
  11. Schizophrenia
  12. Personality disorder
  13. Phobia
  14. Dyssomnia
  15. Parasomnia
  16. Hallucination
  17. Delusion
  18. Mania
  19. Psychosis

Fields within Psychology

  1. Neuropsychology
  2. Behavioral psychology
  3. Clinical psychology
  4. Social psychology
  5. Experimental psychology
  6. Community psychology
  7. Educational psychology
  8. Psychopharmacology
  9. Health psychology
    Notable Experiments
  10. Stanford prison experiment
  11. Robbers Cave experiment

Already-written core articles in this workgroup

(Core Article points not available for these articles.)

  1. Autism
  2. Asperger syndrome
  3. Psychotherapy
  4. Depression
  5. Stress

  1. Sigmund Freud

  1. Psychology
  2. Abnormal psychology
  3. Developmental psychology
  4. Milgram experiment

Sociology - Stage 3

(10) = worth this number of points   * = external, to replace or rewrite   ** = micro-stub

[The articles in these columns are not ordered by priority, yet.]

First Column

  1. Adolescence
  2. Applied sociology
  3. Authoritarianism
  4. Bureaucracy
  5. Conflict
  6. Constructivism
  7. Criminology
  8. Delinquency
  9. Deviance
  10. Division of labor
  11. Ethnography [also listed in Anthro]
  12. Exchange theory
  13. Family

Second column

  1. Industrialization
  2. Institution, social
  3. Juvenile justice
  4. Learning
  5. Mores
  6. Negotiated order
  7. Social norm
  8. Organization
  9. Poverty
  10. Praxis
  11. Role theory
  12. Risk society
  13. Rural society

Third column

  1. Social act
  2. Social assistance
  3. Social behavior
  4. Social capital
  5. Social change
  6. Social environment
  7. Social gerontology
  8. Social insurance
  9. Social interaction
  10. Social justice
  11. Social movement
  12. Social order
  13. Social policy
  14. Social problem
  15. Social structure
  16. Social welfare
  17. Society
  18. Economic sociology
  19. Educational sociology
  20. Family sociology
  21. Historical sociology
  22. Political sociology
  23. Public sociology
  24. Sociology of organization
  25. Sociology of religion
  26. Stratification
  27. Survey research
  28. Urban society
  29. Voluntary association
  30. Welfare state
  31. Work

Already-written core articles in this workgroup

(Core Article points not available for these articles.)

First Column

  1. Authority
  2. Civil society
  3. Communication
  4. Community
  5. Demography
  6. Race
  7. Identity
  8. Language
  9. List of notable sociologists
  10. Rural poverty
  11. Social class
  12. Social security
  13. Sociology

Second column

  1. Social security in the USA

Third column