Colombia/Related Articles

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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about Colombia.
See also changes related to Colombia, or pages that link to Colombia or to this page or whose text contains "Colombia".

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Auto-populated based on Special:WhatLinksHere/Colombia. Needs checking by a human.

  • Aspasia (orchid) [r]: Is an orchid genus formed by seven species spread from Costa Rica to South Brazil and closely related to the genus Miltonia. [e]
  • Atlantic Ocean [r]: Second largest ocean in the world; separates the Americas from Europe and Africa. [e]
  • Bifrenaria [r]: A genus of orchids formed by circa twenty species of South America, some widely cultivated because of their large and colored flowers; divided in two distinct groups, one with large flowers and short inflorescences and the other with small flowers and long inflorescences. [e]
  • Bogotá [r]: Bogotá is the capital city of Colombia (pop. 7,259,597). [e]
  • Brazil [r]: Largest country in South America with a population of 190 million people and rich resources; Portuguese is the national language [e]

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