Two-port network/Related Articles

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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about Two-port network.
See also changes related to Two-port network, or pages that link to Two-port network or to this page or whose text contains "Two-port network".

Parent topics


Other related topics

  • Mode (electronics) [r]: A range of operation of an electrical device set by its bias condition or, when no signals are present, its quiescent or operating point. [e]
  • Negative feedback amplifier [r]: An amplifier in which a fraction of its output is combined with the signal at its input that opposes the signal in what is called negative feedback in order to improve performance and to reduce sensitivity to parameter variations introduced by manufacturing or environmental uncertainties. [e]
  • Norton's theorem [r]: An electrical network theorem explaining the replacement of a two-terminal portion of a linear circuit by a simplified circuit consisting of a current source, called the Norton source, in parallel with an impedance, called the Norton impedance. [e]
  • Thévenin's theorem [r]: An electrical network theorem explaining the replacement of a two-terminal portion of a linear circuit by a simplified circuit consisting of a voltage source, called the Thévenin voltage source, in series with an impedance, called the Thévenin impedance. [e]