Units of radioactivity/Related Articles

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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about Units of radioactivity.
See also changes related to Units of radioactivity, or pages that link to Units of radioactivity or to this page or whose text contains "Units of radioactivity".

Parent topics

  • Radioactivity [r]: The property of the unstable nuclei of chemical elements to decay into another isotope, emitting energy or particles [e]
  • Ionizing radiation [r]: Subatomic particles or electromagnetic waves that are energetic enough to detach electrons from atoms or molecules, ionizing them. [e]


  • Instrumentation for radioactivity [r]: Devices that variously detect, measure and characterize radioactivity; they may be intended for field or laboratory use [e]
  • Health physics [r]: The science concerned with problems of radiation protection relevant to reducing or preventing radiation exposure, and the effects of ionizing radiation on humans and their environment [e]
  • Acute radiation syndrome [r]: Disease or death caused by whole-body irradiation, over a short period of time, with a significant quantity of penetrating radiation [e]

Other related topics