Stephen Krashen/Related Articles

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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about Stephen Krashen.
See also changes related to Stephen Krashen, or pages that link to Stephen Krashen or to this page or whose text contains "Stephen Krashen".

Parent topics

  • Language [r]: A type of communication system, commonly used in linguistics, computer science and other fields to refer to different systems, including 'natural language' in humans, programming languages run on computers, and so on. A wider definition of language - what counts as a language and what doesn't - is a difficult philosophical topic, deserving an article in its own right. [e]
  • Natural language [r]: A communication system based on sequences of acoustic, visual or tactile symbols that serve as units of meaning. [e]
  • Linguistics [r]: The scientific study of language. [e]
  • Language acquisition [r]: The study of how language comes to users of first and second languages. [e]
  • Second language acquisition [r]: Process by which people learn a second language in addition to their native language(s), where the language to be learned is often referred to as the 'target language'. [e]
  • Applied linguistics [r]: The application of linguistic theories to practical issues and problems, such as language learning. [e]
  • Multilingualism [r]: The state of knowing two or more languages, either in individuals or whole speech communities. [e]
  • Bilingual education [r]: Add brief definition or description
  • Neurolinguistics [r]: Add brief definition or description
  • Literacy [r]: The competency to understand (and usually use) written language. [e]
  • Reading [r]: Process of understanding and gaining knowledge from written text. [e]


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