Chemical elements

Chemical elements are types (or species) of atom. All solids, liquids and gases are composed of atoms, either of one species or a combination of species.
There are 94 different elements[1] (or atomic species) that occur naturally on Earth and each element has its own unique physical and chemical properties. Some elements are very abundant. For example, water is composed of the elements hydrogen and oxygen and water is very abundant on Earth. As another example, the element carbon is an important part of all animal and plant life on Earth as well all of the fossil fuels (natural gas, petroleum and coal) which are the remains of plant material that once lived. Some compounds may consist of one element only, for instance a nugget of pure gold is made up of gold atoms arranged in crystalline form. Very often gold is not pure but an alloy of the elements copper, silver, and gold. The oxygen gas consists of molecules of which each molecule has two oxygen atoms, hence the gas consists of the element oxygen only. Two substances consisting of the same single element may have very different chemical and physical properties, e.g., graphite is used as lubricant and diamond is used to harden drill tips, both are pure carbon. This phenomenon is known as allotropy.
Some of the 94 elements are very rare on Earth such as the gas neon. Some elements are stable, and will live as long as the universe, while some, known as the radioactive elements, have finite life times and decay into other elements while emitting radiation. For example, plutonium is a well-known radioactive element.
In addition to the 94 elements that occur naturally on Earth, about 23 other known elements that do not occur naturally on Earth have been man-made and are characterized by having very short life times and being radioactive.
Each of the elements is distinguished by its unique integral number Z, known as the atomic number. The number Z is the number of protons and hence gives the positive charge of the nucleus in units of e, the elementary charge. It is known that Z electrons (of charge −e) "orbit" the nucleus of an atom, so that an atom is neutral. For example, the following elements have their Z-value in brackets: hydrogen(1), oxygen(8), carbon(6), neon(10), plutonium(94). The naturally occurring elements have Z-values from 1 to 94 (with plutonium being extremely rare in nature and mainly man-made). The man-made elements run from Z = 95 to 118. The names of the elements are of historical origin and may vary between languages. The atomic number Z is a unique and universal label of an element, as is its international chemical symbol consisting of one or two letters.
Whereas an element is a single species of atom characterized by a unique atomic number, many such species come in varieties, called isotopes. The isotopes of an element differ among themselves by the number of neutrons in the nucleus. Thus, for example, the most common form of hydrogen has a nucleus consisting only of a proton, the fairly rare isotope deuterium has a nucleus that contains one proton and one neutron. Both isotopes have by definition the same atomic number (1) and hence are isotopes of the same element.
There is a maximum to the number of elements due to the fact that a nucleus contains Z positively charged particles (protons). These repel each other by Coulomb forces and are bound together by strong nuclear forces. At a certain number of protons the strong nuclear forces will lose from the Coulomb forces—which add up with increasing number of protons — and the nucleus will no longer be stable. This is likely to happen between Z = 120 and Z = 130.
For a long time, it was thought that elements were unchangeable, that one element could not be converted into another. Alchemists searched for many centuries in vain for the transmutation of the element lead into gold. However, when in 1919 Ernest Rutherford and coworkers showed the transmutation of the element nitrogen into the element oxygen, it became clear that elements can be transmuted.
The modern concept of element differs greatly from the Aristotelian concept. Aristotle recognized four elements: fire, water, earth and air, and postulated that they can be converted into each other. He wrote:
"….the elements are the primary constituents of bodies.... |
- ↑ According to James B. Calvert: The trite phrase "the 92 naturally-occurring chemical elements" is often seen, but is incorrect. There are only 88 naturally-occurring chemical elements. The elements 43, 61, 85 and 87 have no stable isotopes, and none of long half-life, so they are not naturally present. Small amounts are made in nuclear reactions induced by cosmic rays and nuclear tests, but these soon disappear. If you protest that these should be included, then so should Np and Pu, which are produced by the absorption of neutrons arising from spontaneous fission of uranium and thorium, and then there would be 94 naturally-occurring elements. If you wait long enough, there will only be 81 naturally-occurring elements, since everything beyond lead has only unstable isotopes, though some are of very long half-life, and have survived since the beginning, fathering their radioactive series. Any way you look at it, there are not just 92 naturally-occurring chemical elements. See:
- See Atomic electron configuration for the orbital occupancies of atoms in their so-called ground state.
Explanations of names
- Ag (silver) is from Argentum
- Au (gold) is from Aurum
- Cu (copper) is from Cuprum
- Fe (iron) is from Ferrum
- Hg (mercury) is from Hydrargyrum
- K (potassium) is from Kalium
- Na (sodium) is from Natrium
- Pb (lead) is from Plumbum
- Sb (antimony) is from Stibium
- Si (silicon) is from Silicium
- Sn (tin) is from Stannum
- W (tungsten) is from Wolfram
- Man-made elements Z = 112, ..., 118 are not listed