CZ:Proposals/Editorial Council/Finished

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Medical Disclaimers

Summary: Add a disclaimer to drug and medical condition pages
Original proposer: David E. Volk 10:21, 9 March 2008 (CDT) Next step: adopted
Driver: David E. Volk To be done by: August 4
Notes: See CZ:Editorial Council Resolution 0013
Complete proposal

Create workgroup style guides

Summary: To promote coherent style and subsections within each workgroup, aid new users with examples of equations, drawings and other how-to items
Original proposer: David E. Volk 11:33, 29 February 2008 (CST) Next step: Passed
Driver: User:David E. Volk To be done by: July 1, 2008
Notes: The idea is to have a workgroup-specific style guides to aid authors and editors for consistency.

CZ:Editorial Council Resolution 0011

Complete proposal


Summary: Create a page called CZ:Romanization to deal with issues of how to romanize foreign words, placenames etc. that are normally written in other scripts, with subpages for individual languages, e.g. CZ:Romanization/Japanese. These pages would initially be for interested parties to discuss which romanization systems to adopt, eventually leading to official guidelines.
Original proposer: John Stephenson 02:25, 4 March 2008 (CST) Next step: Passed
Driver: John Stephenson To be done by:
Notes: I foresee a series of rows about this in the future because, for example, Japanese words can be rendered in the Latin alphabet in several different ways even within the same system, and there is more than one romanization system in use anyway.

Adopted as CZ:Editorial Council Resolution 0010 on June 16, 2008.

Complete proposal

Recipes Subpage and Accompanying Usage Policy

Summary: A new subpages option will be added to the subages template and an accompanying content policy will be written on CZ:Recipes.
Original proposer: Hayford Peirce 16:50, 12 February 2008 (CST) Next step: Adopted
Driver: Supten Sarbadhikari To be done by:
Notes: What should we do about listing, and/or cataloging, and/or indexing the recipes that I am beginning to put into various preexisting articles. Various people discussed this in the talk page of Bolognese sauce but nothing concrete appears to have come of that discussion. Even without any definitive policy being put into place in the near future, I will continue to add recipes to various articles. I imagine that it will not be difficult to catalog, or subpage them, or whatever, when the time comes. Hayford Peirce

Adopted as CZ:Editorial Council Resolution 0009 on May 23, 2008.

Complete proposal

Proposals System Navigation (advanced users only)

Proposal lists (some planned pages are still blank):