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The '''History of France''' covers the story from the prehistoric period to the modern day.
The '''History of France''' covers the social, economic, political, military, religious and cultural developments from the prehistoric period to the modern day.  Historians offer multiple overlapping, and sometimes conflicting interpretations, based on research into primary sources.  The most prominent school of historians, covering the period before 1800, is the [[Annales School]], but there are numerous other schools of [[historiography]].

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==The Frankish Kingdoms==
==The Frankish Kingdoms==

==Middle Ages==
==Middle Ages==
* [[Hundred Years War]]
* [[Joan of Arc]]

==Early Modern Era==
The territories of [[Charlemagne]] passed in 843 to his three grandsons; [[Charles the Bald]] (823-877), Ludwig of Germany and Lothair I, the Emperor. Charles obtained all lands west of the Rhine, Ludwig the lands to the East of the Rhine and Lothair a long strip of land ranging from The Netherlands to Naples which embraced many languages and cultures and whose lack of national unity was to finally lead to its division amongst its more unified neighbours. The territories which Charles received were to form the basis of the modern French state.

===The Rise of the French Monarchy===
The monarchy overcame the opposition of the highly-powerful French barons over ensuing centuries. The monarchs eventually succeeded in establishing absolute sovereignty over France sometime in the 16th century. The history of modern France can arguably be dated to the election [[Hugh Capet]] (940-996), the Count of Paris in 987.  Hugh's lands extended little beyond the Paris basin; his political unimportance weighed against the powerful barons who elected him.  Many of the king's vassals (who included for a long time the kings of England) ruled over territories far greater than his own.
*[[Denis Diderot]]
*[[Jean-Jacques Rousseau]]
==Rural society==
In the 17th century peasants had ties to the market economy, provided much of the capital investment necessary for agricultural growth, and frequently moved from village to village (or town). Geographic mobility, directly tied to the market and the need for investment capital, was the main path to social mobility. The "stable" core of French society, town guildspeople and village laboureurs, included cases of staggering social and geographic continuity, but even this core required regular renewal. Accepting the existence of these two societies, the constant tension between them, and extensive geographic and social mobility tied to a market economy holds the key to a clearer understanding of the evolution of the social structure, economy, and even political system of early modern France. Collins (1991) argues that the [[Annales School]] paradigm underestimated the role of the market economy; failed to explain the nature of capital investment in the rural economy; and grossly exaggerated social stability.<ref>James B. Collins, "Geographic and Social Mobility in Early-modern France." ''Journal of Social History'' 1991 24(3): 563-577. Issn: 0022-4529 Fulltext: [[Ebsco]]. For the ''Annales'' interpretation see Pierre Goubert, ''The French Peasantry in the Seventeenth Century'' (1986) [ excerpt and text search] </ref>

==The French Revolution: 1789-1799==
A number of factors contributed to the rise of the French monarchy.  The dynasty established by Hugh Capet continued uninterrupted until 1328. First, The laws of [[primogeniture]] ensured orderly successions of power.  Secondly, the successors of Capet came to be recognised as members of an illustrious and ancient royal house and therefore socially superior to their politically and economically superior rivals.  Third, the Capetians had the support of the [[Papacy]] which favoured a strong central government in France.  This alliance with the Church was one of the great enduring legacies of the Capetians.  The [[First Crusade]] was comprised almost entirely of Frankish Princes.  As time went on, the power of the King was expanded by conquests, seizures, and successful feudal political battles.

*[[French Revolution]]
[[Philip II]] (1165-1223, reigning 1180-1223) provoked quarrels with two different English Kings - Richard I and his brother John - and when John refused to attend Philip's feudal court he seized the Plantagenet lands in [[Normandy]], [[Anjou]], [[Maine, France|Maine]], [[Touraine]], and [[Poitou]] and in effect returned their lands to the French crown.  In the latter years of his reign, a successful Crusade against the [[Albigensian]] heretics won him the province of [[Languedoc]].  Philip also strengthened the royal hold throughout the country by his appointment of ''baillis'', who had to further the royal interests in whatever way they could.

==Napoleon: 1799-1815==
The reign of [[Louis IX]] (1214–1270) (who became a saint) saw a further strengthening of royal authority with the establishment of the ''[[Parliament of Paris]]'', a body of French lawyers and which became the principal court of the French state empowered to issued decrees aimed at curbing the powers of the barons.

===Formation of the Estates General===
[[Philip IV]] (1268–1314, r. 1285-1314) established the [[Estates General]] which consisted of three estates: The nobles, the bishops, and the remainder (mainly the small urban middle classes, particularly the merchants). The parliament was not given legislative functions; the three estates sat as separate institutions and their sole purpose was the ratification of royal decrees. As time went on it was summoned less frequently, and after 1614 the monarchy stopped consulting the popular view so that between 1614-1789 the Estates General did not meet at all.

==Restoration to Third Republic (1789-1870)==
Philip's reign was also important because of his row with the Papacy on the issue of clerical taxation. The dispute culminated with the seizure of [[Pope Boniface VIII]] in 1309 by the French army. The elderly Pope died within a few weeks as a result of his rough treatment. The succeeding Pope, [[Clement V]], a Frenchman, moved the seat of the papacy to [[Avignon]] in Provence, which became the papal seat for the next seventy years. At this period Avignon was not in France, being instead nominally subject to the Holy Roman Empire.

==Third Republic (1870-1939)==
===The Hundred Years War===
See [[Hundred Years War]] 

The [[French Third Republic|Third Republic]] was created following the [[Franco-Prussian War]] of 1870. In the aftermath of the war it was deemed necessary to hold elections to a national assembly which could authorize a formal, legitimate peace. Although the elections returned a largely monarchist Assembly, a Republican, [[Jules Grévy]] became its first President. [[Adolphe Thiers]], elected by twenty six departements led the government. The [[Treaty of Frankfurt]] concluded the conflict, which stated that France would cede Alsace/Lorraine (Which held the provincial capital [[Strasbourg]]) to the German Reich, and would also pay five million francs in war indemnities to the Germans, who partially occupied the country until the debt was paid. The Germans eventually left in September 1873. The emotional and psychological cost of the resolution may have hurt more than the financial. Migrants from Alsace Lorraine who refused to live under German rule kept the issue alive in the French national consciousness.  
{{Image|Joan_of_Arc_Reims.jpg|right|200px|Joan of Arc statue in Reims, France}}
When the first line of the Capetians came to an end in 1328, [[Edward III of England]] claimed the French throne and the long [[Hundred Years War]] (1337 to 1453), at one time threatened the complete destruction of the French state. The first period of the war saw English bowmen assert their long standing reputation as the finest bowmen in the world, especially with their stunning victories over the legendary French Knights at [[Battle of Crécy|Crécy]], [[Battle of Poitiers|Poitiers]] and [[Battle of Agincourt|Agincourt]]. For around a century it seemed that France was delaying the inevitable by not bowing to the military might of the English army. The tide did begin to turn in favour of the French in 1429, with the ascent of the charismatic peasant girl Saint [[Joan of Arc]], who rescued the French city of [[Orleans]] in that year. She so inspired the defenders with speeches and passion that the English were forced to lift the siege. Although Joan was later taken prisoner and burnt at the stake in [[Rouen]] on charges of heresy in 1431, the English steadily lost ground and when the war finally came to a close in 1453, the French crown had won control of Normandy, [[Burgundy]], [[Gascony]] and [[Guienne]].

===The Paris Commune===
==Early Modern Era==
===Ancien Régime===
see [[Ancien Régime]]
The religious violence in 16th-century France erupted within the context of instability in municipal authority. There was normally room for tolerance of Protestantism in the community; in the early 17th century, a culture of religious coexistence existed based on the [[Edict of Nantes]] (1598), which gave the Huguenots (Protestants) considerable legal rights. There also seems to have a sort of routine tolerance in the everyday life of mixed communities, which remained almost normal as long as both churches were unable to shift back toward orthodox intransigence. Against this background, the agitation of the 1620s revealed how unmotivated the Protestants really had become, since their political fate had in fact been sealed around 1575, after the [[Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre]].

Just after the treaty was signed, France was faced with a crisis that threatened to blow into a Civil War. There are three principal reasons why Parisians revolted in 1871:
Montpellier was among the most important of the 66 "villes de sûreté" that the Edict of 1598 granted to the Huguenots. The city's political institutions and the university were all handed over to the Huguenots. Tension with Paris led to a siege by the royal army in 1622. Peace terms called for the dismantling of the city's fortifications. A royal citadel was built and the university and consulate were taken over by the Catholic party. Even before the Edict of Alès (1629), Protestant rule was dead and the ville de sûreté was no more.

#Paris had endured a four month siege and Parisians were humiliated at the acceptance of the National Assembly of the peace terms which included a triumphant German march through the city.
By 162- the Huguenots were on the defensive, and the government increasingly applied pressure.  A series of small civil wars that broke out in southern France between 1610 and 1635 were long considered by historians to be regional squabbles between rival noble families. New analysis shows that these civil wars were in fact religious in nature, remnants of the French Wars of Religion that largely ended with the Edict of Nantes in 1598. Small wars in the provinces of Languedoc and Guyenne show Catholic and Calvinist groups using destruction of churches, iconoclasm, forced conversions, and the execution of heretics as weapons of choice.
#Thiers was hated by Parisians for his role in putting down the [[1834 revolt of Paris]].
#The National Assembly, which seemed to under-represent the French in seats (Only 43 out of 768 seats) began to antagonize the Parisians. Populist newspapers were banned, all debts built up during the siege were to repaid in 48 hours and the National Guard (The Parisian defense force) were no longer to be paid one and a half francs a day. These rulings seriously affected the livelihoods of ordinary Parisians. Anger and frustration was building up rapidly within the city.

On 18th March, 1871, Thiers ordered that two hundred big guns belonging to the National Guard be recaptured from the Parisians. A fight erupted, during which two generals were killed and the mob seized all the major barracks and forts in the city. Marx wrote in his ''[[Civil War in France (Karl Marx)|Civil War in France]]'' that if the mob had of marched on Thiers army at Versailles they might well have defeated them. Discussions ensued and the opportunity was lost. Paris was once again under siege.
Louis XIV acted more and more aggressively to force the Huguenots to convert. At first he sent missionaries to convert them, backed by a fund to financially reward converts to Catholicism. Then he imposed penalties and closed their schools and excluded them from favorite professions. Escalating the attack, he tried to forcibly re-Catholicize the Huguenots by the employment of armed dragonnades (soldiers) to occupy and loot their houses, and finally by the revocation (Oct. 18, 1685) of the liberal [[Edict of Nantes]] of 1598. The revocation forbade Protestant services, the children were to be educated as Catholics, and emigration was prohibited. It proved disastrous to the Huguenots and costly for France. It precipitated civil bloodshed, ruined commerce, and resulted in the illegal flight from the country of about 180,000 Protestants, many of whom became intellectuals, doctors and business leaders in Britain as well as Holland, Prussia and South Africa.  4000 went to the American colonies. The English welcomed the French refugees, providing money from both government and private agencies to aid their relocation. Those Huguenots who stayed in France became Catholics and were called "new converts."  Only a few Protestant villages remained in isolated areas.<ref>John Wolf, ''Louis XIV'', ch 24; Bertrand Van Ruymbeke, "Escape from Babylon." ''Christian History'' 2001 20(3): 38-42. Issn: 0891-9666 Fulltext: [[Ebsco]] </ref>

The Commune was declared on 28th March, 1871 by a disorganized, disparate body of organizations - Jacobin's, First Internationalists and Anarchists all claimed to be the guiding lights of the Paris Commune. Decisive action was rare as much time was spent debating.  
Louis XIV supported the Gallican cause that gave the government a greater role than the pope in choosing bishops, and gave the government the revenues when a bishopric was vacant.  There would be no inquisition in France, and papal decrees could operate only after the government approved them.  Louis avoided schism--he wanted more royal power over the French Church but did not want to break free of Rome.  The pope likewise recognized the the "most Christian king" was a powerful ally who could not be alienated.<ref>John Wolf, ''Louis XIV'', 388-92</ref>

Nevertheless, the Communaurds did improve the conditions of the Parisian working class; the length of the working week, the position of women and improved education opportunities were all considered. Workers were allowed to take over abandoned workshops.
===Rural society===
In the 17th century peasants had ties to the market economy, provided much of the capital investment necessary for agricultural growth, and frequently moved from village to village (or town). Geographic mobility, directly tied to the market and the need for investment capital, was the main path to social mobility. The "stable" core of French society, town guildspeople and village labourers, included cases of staggering social and geographic continuity, but even this core required regular renewal. Accepting the existence of these two societies, the constant tension between them, and extensive geographic and social mobility tied to a market economy holds the key to a clearer understanding of the evolution of the social structure, economy, and even political system of early modern France. Collins (1991) argues that the [[Annales School]] paradigm underestimated the role of the market economy; failed to explain the nature of capital investment in the rural economy; and grossly exaggerated social stability.<ref>James B. Collins, "Geographic and Social Mobility in Early-modern France." ''Journal of Social History'' 1991 24(3): 563-577. Issn: 0022-4529 Fulltext: [[Ebsco]]. For the ''Annales'' interpretation see Pierre Goubert, ''The French Peasantry in the Seventeenth Century'' (1986) [ excerpt and text search] </ref>

The Commune passed the [[Law of the Hostages]], which stated that any execution of a communaurd was to lead to the deaths of three anti-communaurd citizens. [[Raoul Rigault]], in charge of security ensured this policy was carried through. Amongst his victims was the Archbishop of Paris.
===Effects of the Reformation and the Protestant Minority===

Meanwhile Thiers was building up his forces. He used propaganda to portray the communaurds as international conspirators against French values - he depicted them as agents of anarchy, rape and lootery. He recruited soldiers from the countryside who had no love for what they perceived as being their decadent capital, and were by and large traditional minded catholic men. After some fighting on the outskirts of the city, MacMahon and Gallifet's forces entered Paris on 21st May. The following week has been remembered in Parisian history as the 'bloody week'. Large areas of Paris were destroyed by shellfire and a scorched earth policy was followed by some revolters. Around 25,000 Parisians died and a thousand soldiers. Almost 40,000 prisoners were taken of which 25,000 or so were given terms of forced labour. As a result of this conflict, the age old and prestigious office of Mayor of Paris<ref>The office could trace its roots back to the thirteenth century.</ref> was abolished, and not reintroduced until 1977 when [[Jacques Chirac]] was elected mayor.
French Protestantism, which was largely [[Calvinism|Calvinist]] derived its support from the lesser nobles and trading classes. Its two main strongholds were south west France and Normandy, but even in these districts the Catholics were a majority. Protestantism in France was considered a grave threat to national unity, as the [[Huguenot]] minority felt a closer affinity with German and Dutch Calvinists than with their fellow Frenchmen. In an effort to cement their position they often allied with French enemies. The animosity between the two sides led to the [[French Wars of Religion]] and the [[St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre]]. The religious wars ended in 1593, when the Huguenot Henry of Navarre (1553-1610), who was already effectively king of France became a Catholic and was recognised by both Catholics and Protestants as King [[Henry IV of France|Henry IV]] (reigned 1589-1610).  

===Attempted ''coup d'état''===
The main provisions of the [[Edict of Nantes]] (1598), which Henry IV had issued as a charter of religious freedoms for the Huguenots, were as follows; a) Huguenots were allowed to hold religious services in certain towns in each province; b) They were allowed to control and fortify eight cities (including [[La Rochelle]] and [[Montauban]]); c) Special courts were established to try Huguenot offenders; d)Huguenots were to have equal civil rights with the Catholics.

The President at this time was the arch conservative and monarchist [[Marshall MacMahon]] (Who had strong Irish roots) After the 1876 elections, he was faced with a chamber of overwhelmingly republican deputies, yet he chose the Orleanist [[Duc de Broglie]] as Prime Minister. The Chamber refused to ratify the choice and MacMahon dissolved the Assembly and called for new elections. The event is known by its French name, de seize mai'' as it marked an attempted royalist takeover.  
The military privileges were incorporated in the Edict in order to allay the fears of the minority. Over time it became clear these privileges would be open to abuse and when in 1620 the Huguenots proclaimed a constitution for the 'Republic of the Reformed Churches of France', the Prime Minister [[Cardinal Richelieu]] (1585–1642) invoked the entire powers of the state; He captured La Rochelle after a long siege in 1628. The subsequent [[Treaty of Alais]] left the Huguenots their religious freedom but revoked their military freedoms.

In the subsequent election campaign, pressure was brought on government employees to vote monarchist, opposition journals were closed down and the Church urged its faithful to vote monarchist. However, a Republican chamber was still elected, despite the oppositions dirty tactics. MacMahon accepted the will of the people and picked a Republican as Premier. As monarchist influences continued to decline in this period, he resigned and was replaced by Grévy. The new Republic had survived yet another crisis.
===Louis XIV===
*See [[Louis XIV]] (1638-1715, r. 1643-1715)
* [[Louis XV]] (1710-1774, r. 1715-1774)
*[[Denis Diderot]]
*[[Jean-Jacques Rousseau]]

===The Boulanger Affair===
==The French Revolution: 1789-1799==
* [[Louis XVI]] (1754-93, reigned 1774-92)
*[[French Revolution]]

Boulanger was a veteran of French wars in [[Algeria]], [[Crimea]], [[Italy]] and the [[Franco-Prussian War]]. As one of the few committed Republicans in the army, he was appointed Minister of War in 1886 by Clemancau.
==Napoleon: 1799-1815==

One of his first actions in government was the retiring of royalist officers from the army. The improving living conditions and modernised training and weapons improved morale throughout the armed forces. When [[Otto Van Bismarck]] complained that he was damaging Franco-German relations this only improved his popularity in the country. He soon became a symbol of French military glory, a reflection of the rising nationalism of the time.

The government, becoming increasingly worried by his increased popularity dismissed him as Minister of War and posted him to a provincial command. Nonetheless, various groups flocked to support him. Royalists hoped they could manipulate him to roll back the reforms of the Third Republic. Workers were attracted by his promise to protect the weak and vulnerable. Popular discontent with the Republic increased with the unearthing of a fresh scandal in 1887; the son in law of President Grévy - Daniel Wilson - was found selling decorations and honours from the [[Elysée Palace]]. Such corrupt behaviour weakened the moral stance of the Republic and provided Boulangism as an attractive alternative.
==Restoration to Third Republic (1815-1870)==
The [[Treaty of Vienna]] in 1815 remodelled the map of Europe and set the stage for the ensuing century. Denmark lost Norway to Sweden due to its friendship with [[Napoleon]]. Sweden lost [[Finland]] to [[Russia, history|Russia]], which also obtained most of [[Poland, history|Poland]]. The Holy Roman Empire (abolished by Napoleon) was not restored; a German confederation was instead established, a loose union of thirty nine states, with [[Austria]] and [[Prussia]] the most dominant powers. Austria obtained [[Lombardy]] and [[Venetia]] and in return ceded the Austrian Netherlands to [[Holland]] which formed a new kingdom under the House of Orange. Prussia obtained vital territories along the Rhineland, a reward for its crucial role in defeating Napoleon. Austrian influence remained supreme in [[Italy]] as branches of the [[Habsburgs]] ruled several northern duchies, and the Pope and King of Naples looked on Austria as its champion.  

Momentum was growing throughout the country in support of Boulanger. On 22nd January 1889, and despite strenous opposition of Republicans he easily won a by-election in Paris. Excited supporters wanted him to stage an immediate ''coup d'état''. The Cabinet called an emergency meeting which exposed their position. However, Boulanger allowed the opportunity to pass, perhaps because of last minute restraint but also because of the mixed nature of his grassroots support - a sustainable policy with such a various group of supporters would have been very difficult to achieve. He fled to [[Belgium]] in 1889 when the government began legal proceedings against him for plotting to overthrow the state - his supporters quickly drifted apart. Two years later he committed suicide by the grave of his mistress. Despite ending in such a farcical manner, Boulangism had been a force in the Third Republic which threatened its very existence.
In 1830 the French overthrew the Bourbons and placed [[Louis Philippe]] on the throne. The Belgians, with the aid of the new French monarch and the British succeeded in winning its independence from Holland.  

===The Panama Scandal===
In 1848 revolutions broke out on a larger, European-wide scale. In France, Louis Phillipe was deposed and a Republic established under Louis Napoleon, nephew of the great emperor. By 1852 Louis Napoleon changed his title to Emperor [[Napoleon III]].

[[Ferdinand de Lesseps]] had achieved worldwide acclaim for the construction of the [[Suez Canal]] and when he decided to build a canal through the harsh terrain of [[Panama]] many small savers eagerly invested their money. However, the real power of the company was not in the hands of the famous engineer, but in a diverse band of financers with dispirate aims and objectives. When extra finance was needed they succesfully bribed many deputies to sign the necessary parliamentary authorisation.
The [[Second Empire]] (1852-70) was notorious for the failures of Napoleon III, as France was decisively defeated by Germany, and lost Alsace and Lorraine. On the positive side the era witnessed the gradual acceptance of universal male suffrage, the establishment of large-scale industrial capitalism, a massive improvement in communications, and the birth of impressionism in art.

Despite the extra cash the project made little headway and the company soon went bankrupt. Gross mismanagement, difficulty with the terrain and tropical diseases (22,000 workers died over the space of eight years) caused the collapse of the project in 1889. Newspaper articles uncovered the names of 150 deputies who had been bribed, including the Minister for Finance and veteran Republican Georges Clemancau. This scandal continued the lack of public confidence evident by other events. Radical Republicans were discredited (As many were guilty of taking bribes) and [[anti-semitism]] became a force in politics, as Jews were made a scapegoat for the disaster and lost savings. This anti semitism was to play a role in the Dreyfus Affair.
==Third Republic (1870-1939)==

===The Dreyfus Affair===
see [[French Third Republic]]

In september 1894 a list of French military documents called the bordereau was found by a French agent working in the German embassy. It became evident that a German spy had infiltrated the French officer corps. The head of the counter-intelligence agency, Major Henry, began a search for the culprit and came up with the name of captain [[Alfred Dreyfus]]. Dreyfus was a member of a wealthy Jewish family and thus was a figure of hate in the largely Catholic and Monarchial officer corps.
==World War Two==
Henry was determined to convict Dreyfus and forged the necessary evidence for his court-martial. He was found guilty, cashiered and deported to the penal colony of [[Devil's Island]]. Here the tropical heat and fevers slowly wasted him away.
Although it had seemed like the French had got their spy, staff papers continued to disappear and investigation by the new head of counter-intelligence, Colonel Picquart, discovered that the real spy was a French officer called Esterhazy. When Picquart pointed this out to his superiors they removed him from his position and sent him to [[Tunisia]] where it was hoped he would be killed in the fighting. Dreyfus's brother, Mathieu had independantly came to the same decision and publicly denounced Esterhazy as a traitor. Esterhazy was tried on 11th January 1898 and after a farcical trial was declared innocent by the judges.
Two days later, [[Emile Zola]] published an open letter to the President in Clemencau's newspaper l'Aurore. The letter was entitled ;J'accuse' and in seperate paragraphs each beginning with 'I accuse', Zola named the generals who ordered the acquital of Esterhazy.
France had become increasingly polarized between those who supported Dreyfus and those who opposed him. Dreyfusards included among their number republicans, radicals, Zola, Jaures and Clemencau. Clemencau wrote eight hundred newspaper articles on the subject. A League for the Defence of the Rights of Man was founded, which attracted Protestants, Freemasons, anti-cleralists and Jews.
Anti-Dreyfusards included the Catholic Church, especially the Assumptionist Order, the army and most of the ordinary people, who tended to have anti-semitic positions (A reflection of the growing anti-semitism of the time) [[Edmund Drumont]]s 'La Libre Parole' was their most important publication. To them the individual of Dreyfus was unimportant but if he were released it would damage the honour of France and one of her most respected institutions; the army.
In July 1898, the new Minister of War, Cavaignac, decided to end the Dreyfus controversy once and for all. He produced what he felt was documentary proof that Dreyfus was guilty. The documents were later proved to be forgeries. Major Henry was arrested and almost immediately commited suicide. Esterhazy fled to England and the Minister of War resigned.
A new trial was ordered and Dreyfus, who had been unaware of the developments all this time, arrived back at [[Rennes]] in September 1899. This court-martial again found him guilty with 'extenuating circumstances'. It was obvious that no military court would find him innocent and admit the prior error. A Presidential pardon was issued and the original verdict was quashed in 1906.
===Conflict Between Church and State===
Throughout the lifetime of the Third Republic, there seemed to be a clear political schism between the Republicans, the Monarchists and the Authoritarians (Such as the Napoleonists). The French Church was closely associated with the Monarchists and many of its hierarchy were from noble families. Republicans tended to be middle class and a personification of the revolution towards [[Plutocracy]] in the Third Republic. The Republicans detested the church for its political and class affiliations; for them, the church represented the [[Ancien Regime]], a time in French history most Republicans hoped was long behind them.
Republicans feared that since religious orders controlled the schools anti-Republicanism was been indoctrinated to children. Determined to root this out, Republicans insisted they needed control of the schools, if economic and militaristic progress was to be achieved (Republicans felt one of the primary reasons for the German victory in 1870 was because of their superior education system)
The early anti-catholic laws were largely the work of veteran republican Jules Ferry. Religious instruction in all schools was forbidden and religious orders were forbidden to teach in them. Funds were appropriated from religious schools in order to build more state schools. Later in the century other laws passed by Ferry's successors further weakened the Church's position in French society. Civil marriage became compulsory, divorce was introduced and chaplains were removed from the army.
With the accession of [[Leo XIII]] to the papacy in 1878 a period of [[détente]] occurred in Church-State relations. In 1884 he requested French bishops not to act in a hostile manner to the State. In 1892 he issued an encyclical advising french catholics to rally to the Republic and defend the Church by participating in Republican politics. This attempt at improving the relationship failed. Deep-rooted suspicions remained on both sides and were inflamed by the [[Dreyfus Affair]]. Catholics were for the most party anti-dreyfusard. The Assumptionists published anti-semitic and anti-republican articles in their journal ''Le  Croix''. This infuriated Republican politicians, who were eager to take revenge.
[[Emile Combes]], when elected Prime Minister in 1902, was determined to thoroughly defeat Catholicism. After only a short while in office he closed down all parochial schools in France. Then he had parliament reject authorisation of all religious orders. This meant that all fifty four orders were dissolved. Up to 20,000 religious French people immediately left France as a result. <ref>Edward Fynes; ''European History 1870-1966'' (Dublin, 1999) p. 39</ref> In 1904 the French President, Loubet, visited the King of Italy in [[Rome]]. The Pope, who had never recognised the Italian occupation of Rome, protested at this apparant recognisation of the Italian State. Combes reacted strongly and recalled his ambassador. Then in 1905 a law was introduced abrogating Napoleon's 1801 Concordat. Church and State were finally seperated. All Church property was confiscated. The religious no longer were paid by the State. Public worship was given over to associations of Catholic lay-men.
===Economy between 1870-1914===
The French economy grew at a snails pace between 1970-1914 (At an average of about 1% <ref>Ibid, p. 40</ref>) This was because France lacked sufficient coal supplies necessary for prolonged and speedy economic growth. France also lost the valuable iron ore deposits in Lorraine and the textile factories of Alsace. In addition, France remained a largely peasant society and the economy centred on agricultural production and distribution.

What heavy industry existed was based largely in areas of the north, parts of the East and the [[Rhône Valley]]. Some new industries emerged in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, notably in automobile, aircraft and chemical production. Those, however, did not seriously affect the general trend of French economic life.
===Battle of France===
In early summer 1940 the German army prepared for its assault on the Anglo-French alliance. The campaign was based on three strategies, an operation in the Low Countries ([[Netherlands]], [[Belgium]] and [[Luxembourg]]) to clear the lines, a major land operation against France and an air operation against Britain to keep the Royal Navy at bay and keep the allies apart. The campaign was a dramatic success - the defeat of the low countries took a mere 18 days. The defeat of France took less than five weeks.<ref>Norman Davies, ''Europe, A History'' (Oxford, 1997) p. 1006</ref> The French political establishment was completely crushed; they had lost to an enemy who had not outnumbered them, but the ''Blitzkrieg'' had left the French in utter dismay. Only at [[Arras]] did any worthwhile French counter attack take place, under the command of Brigadier [[Charles de Gaulle]]. Some British, Polish and [[Free French|free French]] forces scrambled across the channel at [[Dunkirk]], and de Gaulle, who became the leader of the government in exile, declared, "France has lost a battle, but not the war".<ref>Ibid</ref>
===Culture in the Third Republic===
In arts and literature, France was the foremost country in the world. France (and in particular, Paris) had been the epicentre of European culture since before the [[French Enlightenment]]. French was spoken by the educated classes all over Europe, and quickly became a symbol of sophistication. The French public lauded works of art and literature, perhaps moreso than other nations. Original and stylish works appeared in a variety of areas.
[[Gustave Flaubert]]'s most famous novel was ''Madam Bovary'' which meticulously analysed both the drab lifestyle of a provincial town and the French notion of romantic love. ''L'Education sentimentale'' and ''Bouvard et Pecuchet'' also portrayed French life and society in a realistic manner. [[Anatole France]] was a very popular author. He was moved by the Dreyfus Affair to write politically committed literature. ''L'Ile des pingouins'', for instance was a satirical picture of life in the Third Republic. [[Emile Zola]] was the most popular French author of the age and perhaps the most remembered. His series of twenty novels ''La Rougon-Macquart'' following the fortunes of a particular family achieved wide critical acclaim.  
[[Victor Hugo]], an internationally renknowned author and mastermind behind the epic ''Les Misérables'' (Written in 1862), was a passionate atheistic Republican, who escaped the turmoil of the Paris Commune in an heroic manner (In a hot air balloon) Hugo was an elected member of the Assembly and Senate, and his writings and drawings (Perhaps lesser known) helped mould the early years of the Third Republic.  
The most distinguished school of nineteenth century painters were the [[Impressionists]]. This method was initiated by [[Édouard Manet]], [[Claude Monet]], [[Camille Pissarro]], [[Pierre-Auguste Renoir]] and [[Edgar Degas]], to name a few. They aimed to paint the momentary appearance of things, and especially the effects of light and atmosphere, rather than the actual form. Monet's 'Summer' is a good example of a French impressionist work.
Famous French composers included [[Georges Bizet]], whose ''Carmen'' brought him fame and popularity. [[Claude Debussy]]'s ''Pellas et Mélisande'' influenced later twentieth century composers.
Frances tradition of great scientists continued during the Third Republic. [[Henri Becquerel]] discovered radioactivity in uranium salts and thus ushered in the atomic age. [[Pierre Curie|Pierre]] and [[Marie Curie]] discovered [[Radium]]. [[Louis Pasteur]] made significant breakthroughs in [[Microbiology]].
The most influential French philosopher of his time was [[Henri Bergson]]. He contended that instinct was of far greater importance than intellect in apprehending reality. His anti-intellectual feelings were at one with his age, and poets and writers were quick to imitate it.
===World War I===
==World War Two==

===Vichy Regime (1940-1944)===
===Vichy Regime (1940-1944)===
After the defeat of France, with an armistice on [[First World War]] hero, Marshal [[Henri Petain]] sent an underling to the carriage of to sign the capitulation on June 22, 1940, at [[Compiégne]].  To add to the insult, Hitler had the surrender signed in the same railway carriage in which Germans signed the Armistice in November 1918. France was to be disarmed; two million French soldiers were to be interned for work in the Reich; [[Alsace Lorraine]] was to be returned to Germany and northern France be under occupation under the Nazis.  Roughly two-thirds of the country was put under direct German military control.  The remaining part of southeast France, and the French colonies, were under a nominally autonomous government set up in [[Vichy]], [[Auvergne]].

===The Resistance and Life Under Occupation===
The Vichy government effectively became a puppet of the Nazi regime.  Japan, not yet allied with Germany until the [[Tripartite Pact]] was signed on March 25, 1941, still asked for German help in  stopping the flow of supplies from [[French Indochina]] to China.  Japan was permitted to [[Indochina and the Second World War#Vichy, Indochina, and Japan|occupy French Indochina]] starting in late 1940. De Gaulle and the Free French forces assisted British campaigns elsewhere in the war.
==Postwar: 1945-70==
===The EEC===
===Contemporary France===
* James R. Lehning; ''To Be a Citizen: The Political Culture of the Early French Third Republic'' (2001, Cornell University Press)
* Northcutt, Wayne. ''Historical Dictionary of the French Fourth and Fifth Republics, 1946-1991'' (1992)
==External Links==

Major political changes occurred in the post war years. Most of the leading politicians of the Third Republic - except [[Léon Blum]] - were unable to revive their careers. The once powerful Radical party fell into decline, winning only six percent of the vote in 1945. The Communist Party under [[Maurice Thorez]] emerged as a powerful party - many of its members had been active in the [[French Resistance]] and this was exploited politically. They were under orders from Moscow not to jeopardize the war time alliance and the opposition of the popular [[Charles De Gaulle]] meant claiming full power was out of the question. The socialists, although working together with the communists deeply distrusted them, especially after witnessing the rise of one party states in Eastern Europe following the war. A new party representing Christian socialists and progressive Catholics was founded, the [[Mouvement Republicane Populaire]] (MRP). Its leaders were resistance heroes from the war, such as [[Georges Bidault]]. All the mainstream parties supported the [[French Resistance Charter]] which called for a more just social order and 'the subordination of private interest to the general interest'. Nationalisation and social reform along the same lines of Britain was also gaining popularity. Coal mines and the four biggest banks in the country were nationalised. Social insurance was improved in April 1946. In October 1945 elections for the constituent assembly were held. The three main parties garnered most of the vote; the communists with 26%, the MRP with 25% and the socialists with 24%. De Gaulle was made head of government. The Assembly prepared to draw up a constitution for a new republic. The Assembly's first draft was rejected in favour of a more conservative document the second time round in June 1946.<ref>Roberty Gildea, ''France since 1945'' (Oxford, 2002) pp. 37-40.</ref>

==See also==
==See also==
* [[Annales School]]
* [[Annales School]]
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The History of France covers the social, economic, political, military, religious and cultural developments from the prehistoric period to the modern day. Historians offer multiple overlapping, and sometimes conflicting interpretations, based on research into primary sources. The most prominent school of historians, covering the period before 1800, is the Annales School, but there are numerous other schools of historiography.



The Roman Empire

The Frankish Kingdoms

Middle Ages


The territories of Charlemagne passed in 843 to his three grandsons; Charles the Bald (823-877), Ludwig of Germany and Lothair I, the Emperor. Charles obtained all lands west of the Rhine, Ludwig the lands to the East of the Rhine and Lothair a long strip of land ranging from The Netherlands to Naples which embraced many languages and cultures and whose lack of national unity was to finally lead to its division amongst its more unified neighbours. The territories which Charles received were to form the basis of the modern French state.

The Rise of the French Monarchy

The monarchy overcame the opposition of the highly-powerful French barons over ensuing centuries. The monarchs eventually succeeded in establishing absolute sovereignty over France sometime in the 16th century. The history of modern France can arguably be dated to the election Hugh Capet (940-996), the Count of Paris in 987. Hugh's lands extended little beyond the Paris basin; his political unimportance weighed against the powerful barons who elected him. Many of the king's vassals (who included for a long time the kings of England) ruled over territories far greater than his own.

A number of factors contributed to the rise of the French monarchy. The dynasty established by Hugh Capet continued uninterrupted until 1328. First, The laws of primogeniture ensured orderly successions of power. Secondly, the successors of Capet came to be recognised as members of an illustrious and ancient royal house and therefore socially superior to their politically and economically superior rivals. Third, the Capetians had the support of the Papacy which favoured a strong central government in France. This alliance with the Church was one of the great enduring legacies of the Capetians. The First Crusade was comprised almost entirely of Frankish Princes. As time went on, the power of the King was expanded by conquests, seizures, and successful feudal political battles.

Philip II (1165-1223, reigning 1180-1223) provoked quarrels with two different English Kings - Richard I and his brother John - and when John refused to attend Philip's feudal court he seized the Plantagenet lands in Normandy, Anjou, Maine, Touraine, and Poitou and in effect returned their lands to the French crown. In the latter years of his reign, a successful Crusade against the Albigensian heretics won him the province of Languedoc. Philip also strengthened the royal hold throughout the country by his appointment of baillis, who had to further the royal interests in whatever way they could.

The reign of Louis IX (1214–1270) (who became a saint) saw a further strengthening of royal authority with the establishment of the Parliament of Paris, a body of French lawyers and which became the principal court of the French state empowered to issued decrees aimed at curbing the powers of the barons.

Formation of the Estates General

Philip IV (1268–1314, r. 1285-1314) established the Estates General which consisted of three estates: The nobles, the bishops, and the remainder (mainly the small urban middle classes, particularly the merchants). The parliament was not given legislative functions; the three estates sat as separate institutions and their sole purpose was the ratification of royal decrees. As time went on it was summoned less frequently, and after 1614 the monarchy stopped consulting the popular view so that between 1614-1789 the Estates General did not meet at all.

Philip's reign was also important because of his row with the Papacy on the issue of clerical taxation. The dispute culminated with the seizure of Pope Boniface VIII in 1309 by the French army. The elderly Pope died within a few weeks as a result of his rough treatment. The succeeding Pope, Clement V, a Frenchman, moved the seat of the papacy to Avignon in Provence, which became the papal seat for the next seventy years. At this period Avignon was not in France, being instead nominally subject to the Holy Roman Empire.

The Hundred Years War

See Hundred Years War

Joan of Arc statue in Reims, France

When the first line of the Capetians came to an end in 1328, Edward III of England claimed the French throne and the long Hundred Years War (1337 to 1453), at one time threatened the complete destruction of the French state. The first period of the war saw English bowmen assert their long standing reputation as the finest bowmen in the world, especially with their stunning victories over the legendary French Knights at Crécy, Poitiers and Agincourt. For around a century it seemed that France was delaying the inevitable by not bowing to the military might of the English army. The tide did begin to turn in favour of the French in 1429, with the ascent of the charismatic peasant girl Saint Joan of Arc, who rescued the French city of Orleans in that year. She so inspired the defenders with speeches and passion that the English were forced to lift the siege. Although Joan was later taken prisoner and burnt at the stake in Rouen on charges of heresy in 1431, the English steadily lost ground and when the war finally came to a close in 1453, the French crown had won control of Normandy, Burgundy, Gascony and Guienne.

Early Modern Era

Ancien Régime

see Ancien Régime


The religious violence in 16th-century France erupted within the context of instability in municipal authority. There was normally room for tolerance of Protestantism in the community; in the early 17th century, a culture of religious coexistence existed based on the Edict of Nantes (1598), which gave the Huguenots (Protestants) considerable legal rights. There also seems to have a sort of routine tolerance in the everyday life of mixed communities, which remained almost normal as long as both churches were unable to shift back toward orthodox intransigence. Against this background, the agitation of the 1620s revealed how unmotivated the Protestants really had become, since their political fate had in fact been sealed around 1575, after the Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre.

Montpellier was among the most important of the 66 "villes de sûreté" that the Edict of 1598 granted to the Huguenots. The city's political institutions and the university were all handed over to the Huguenots. Tension with Paris led to a siege by the royal army in 1622. Peace terms called for the dismantling of the city's fortifications. A royal citadel was built and the university and consulate were taken over by the Catholic party. Even before the Edict of Alès (1629), Protestant rule was dead and the ville de sûreté was no more.

By 162- the Huguenots were on the defensive, and the government increasingly applied pressure. A series of small civil wars that broke out in southern France between 1610 and 1635 were long considered by historians to be regional squabbles between rival noble families. New analysis shows that these civil wars were in fact religious in nature, remnants of the French Wars of Religion that largely ended with the Edict of Nantes in 1598. Small wars in the provinces of Languedoc and Guyenne show Catholic and Calvinist groups using destruction of churches, iconoclasm, forced conversions, and the execution of heretics as weapons of choice.

Louis XIV acted more and more aggressively to force the Huguenots to convert. At first he sent missionaries to convert them, backed by a fund to financially reward converts to Catholicism. Then he imposed penalties and closed their schools and excluded them from favorite professions. Escalating the attack, he tried to forcibly re-Catholicize the Huguenots by the employment of armed dragonnades (soldiers) to occupy and loot their houses, and finally by the revocation (Oct. 18, 1685) of the liberal Edict of Nantes of 1598. The revocation forbade Protestant services, the children were to be educated as Catholics, and emigration was prohibited. It proved disastrous to the Huguenots and costly for France. It precipitated civil bloodshed, ruined commerce, and resulted in the illegal flight from the country of about 180,000 Protestants, many of whom became intellectuals, doctors and business leaders in Britain as well as Holland, Prussia and South Africa. 4000 went to the American colonies. The English welcomed the French refugees, providing money from both government and private agencies to aid their relocation. Those Huguenots who stayed in France became Catholics and were called "new converts." Only a few Protestant villages remained in isolated areas.[1]

Louis XIV supported the Gallican cause that gave the government a greater role than the pope in choosing bishops, and gave the government the revenues when a bishopric was vacant. There would be no inquisition in France, and papal decrees could operate only after the government approved them. Louis avoided schism--he wanted more royal power over the French Church but did not want to break free of Rome. The pope likewise recognized the the "most Christian king" was a powerful ally who could not be alienated.[2]

Rural society

In the 17th century peasants had ties to the market economy, provided much of the capital investment necessary for agricultural growth, and frequently moved from village to village (or town). Geographic mobility, directly tied to the market and the need for investment capital, was the main path to social mobility. The "stable" core of French society, town guildspeople and village labourers, included cases of staggering social and geographic continuity, but even this core required regular renewal. Accepting the existence of these two societies, the constant tension between them, and extensive geographic and social mobility tied to a market economy holds the key to a clearer understanding of the evolution of the social structure, economy, and even political system of early modern France. Collins (1991) argues that the Annales School paradigm underestimated the role of the market economy; failed to explain the nature of capital investment in the rural economy; and grossly exaggerated social stability.[3]

Effects of the Reformation and the Protestant Minority

French Protestantism, which was largely Calvinist derived its support from the lesser nobles and trading classes. Its two main strongholds were south west France and Normandy, but even in these districts the Catholics were a majority. Protestantism in France was considered a grave threat to national unity, as the Huguenot minority felt a closer affinity with German and Dutch Calvinists than with their fellow Frenchmen. In an effort to cement their position they often allied with French enemies. The animosity between the two sides led to the French Wars of Religion and the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre. The religious wars ended in 1593, when the Huguenot Henry of Navarre (1553-1610), who was already effectively king of France became a Catholic and was recognised by both Catholics and Protestants as King Henry IV (reigned 1589-1610).

The main provisions of the Edict of Nantes (1598), which Henry IV had issued as a charter of religious freedoms for the Huguenots, were as follows; a) Huguenots were allowed to hold religious services in certain towns in each province; b) They were allowed to control and fortify eight cities (including La Rochelle and Montauban); c) Special courts were established to try Huguenot offenders; d)Huguenots were to have equal civil rights with the Catholics.

The military privileges were incorporated in the Edict in order to allay the fears of the minority. Over time it became clear these privileges would be open to abuse and when in 1620 the Huguenots proclaimed a constitution for the 'Republic of the Reformed Churches of France', the Prime Minister Cardinal Richelieu (1585–1642) invoked the entire powers of the state; He captured La Rochelle after a long siege in 1628. The subsequent Treaty of Alais left the Huguenots their religious freedom but revoked their military freedoms.

Louis XIV


The French Revolution: 1789-1799

Napoleon: 1799-1815

Restoration to Third Republic (1815-1870)

The Treaty of Vienna in 1815 remodelled the map of Europe and set the stage for the ensuing century. Denmark lost Norway to Sweden due to its friendship with Napoleon. Sweden lost Finland to Russia, which also obtained most of Poland. The Holy Roman Empire (abolished by Napoleon) was not restored; a German confederation was instead established, a loose union of thirty nine states, with Austria and Prussia the most dominant powers. Austria obtained Lombardy and Venetia and in return ceded the Austrian Netherlands to Holland which formed a new kingdom under the House of Orange. Prussia obtained vital territories along the Rhineland, a reward for its crucial role in defeating Napoleon. Austrian influence remained supreme in Italy as branches of the Habsburgs ruled several northern duchies, and the Pope and King of Naples looked on Austria as its champion.

In 1830 the French overthrew the Bourbons and placed Louis Philippe on the throne. The Belgians, with the aid of the new French monarch and the British succeeded in winning its independence from Holland.

In 1848 revolutions broke out on a larger, European-wide scale. In France, Louis Phillipe was deposed and a Republic established under Louis Napoleon, nephew of the great emperor. By 1852 Louis Napoleon changed his title to Emperor Napoleon III.

The Second Empire (1852-70) was notorious for the failures of Napoleon III, as France was decisively defeated by Germany, and lost Alsace and Lorraine. On the positive side the era witnessed the gradual acceptance of universal male suffrage, the establishment of large-scale industrial capitalism, a massive improvement in communications, and the birth of impressionism in art.

Third Republic (1870-1939)

see French Third Republic

World War Two

Battle of France

In early summer 1940 the German army prepared for its assault on the Anglo-French alliance. The campaign was based on three strategies, an operation in the Low Countries (Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg) to clear the lines, a major land operation against France and an air operation against Britain to keep the Royal Navy at bay and keep the allies apart. The campaign was a dramatic success - the defeat of the low countries took a mere 18 days. The defeat of France took less than five weeks.[4] The French political establishment was completely crushed; they had lost to an enemy who had not outnumbered them, but the Blitzkrieg had left the French in utter dismay. Only at Arras did any worthwhile French counter attack take place, under the command of Brigadier Charles de Gaulle. Some British, Polish and free French forces scrambled across the channel at Dunkirk, and de Gaulle, who became the leader of the government in exile, declared, "France has lost a battle, but not the war".[5]

Vichy Regime (1940-1944)

After the defeat of France, with an armistice on First World War hero, Marshal Henri Petain sent an underling to the carriage of to sign the capitulation on June 22, 1940, at Compiégne. To add to the insult, Hitler had the surrender signed in the same railway carriage in which Germans signed the Armistice in November 1918. France was to be disarmed; two million French soldiers were to be interned for work in the Reich; Alsace Lorraine was to be returned to Germany and northern France be under occupation under the Nazis. Roughly two-thirds of the country was put under direct German military control. The remaining part of southeast France, and the French colonies, were under a nominally autonomous government set up in Vichy, Auvergne.

The Vichy government effectively became a puppet of the Nazi regime. Japan, not yet allied with Germany until the Tripartite Pact was signed on March 25, 1941, still asked for German help in stopping the flow of supplies from French Indochina to China. Japan was permitted to occupy French Indochina starting in late 1940. De Gaulle and the Free French forces assisted British campaigns elsewhere in the war.


Major political changes occurred in the post war years. Most of the leading politicians of the Third Republic - except Léon Blum - were unable to revive their careers. The once powerful Radical party fell into decline, winning only six percent of the vote in 1945. The Communist Party under Maurice Thorez emerged as a powerful party - many of its members had been active in the French Resistance and this was exploited politically. They were under orders from Moscow not to jeopardize the war time alliance and the opposition of the popular Charles De Gaulle meant claiming full power was out of the question. The socialists, although working together with the communists deeply distrusted them, especially after witnessing the rise of one party states in Eastern Europe following the war. A new party representing Christian socialists and progressive Catholics was founded, the Mouvement Republicane Populaire (MRP). Its leaders were resistance heroes from the war, such as Georges Bidault. All the mainstream parties supported the French Resistance Charter which called for a more just social order and 'the subordination of private interest to the general interest'. Nationalisation and social reform along the same lines of Britain was also gaining popularity. Coal mines and the four biggest banks in the country were nationalised. Social insurance was improved in April 1946. In October 1945 elections for the constituent assembly were held. The three main parties garnered most of the vote; the communists with 26%, the MRP with 25% and the socialists with 24%. De Gaulle was made head of government. The Assembly prepared to draw up a constitution for a new republic. The Assembly's first draft was rejected in favour of a more conservative document the second time round in June 1946.[6]

See also


  1. John Wolf, Louis XIV, ch 24; Bertrand Van Ruymbeke, "Escape from Babylon." Christian History 2001 20(3): 38-42. Issn: 0891-9666 Fulltext: Ebsco
  2. John Wolf, Louis XIV, 388-92
  3. James B. Collins, "Geographic and Social Mobility in Early-modern France." Journal of Social History 1991 24(3): 563-577. Issn: 0022-4529 Fulltext: Ebsco. For the Annales interpretation see Pierre Goubert, The French Peasantry in the Seventeenth Century (1986) excerpt and text search
  4. Norman Davies, Europe, A History (Oxford, 1997) p. 1006
  5. Ibid
  6. Roberty Gildea, France since 1945 (Oxford, 2002) pp. 37-40.