Sinkhole (computers)/Related Articles

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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about Sinkhole (computers).
See also changes related to Sinkhole (computers), or pages that link to Sinkhole (computers) or to this page or whose text contains "Sinkhole (computers)".

Parent topics

  • Denial of service [r]: An attack on a computer or communications system that tries to prevent the system delivering its normal services to its users, [e]
  • Fault tolerance [r]: A characteristic of a system such that it can have one or more subcomponents fail, yet have the system continue to operate with at least partial functionality [e]


Other related topics

  • Amplification attack [r]: A means of denying service from computers, networks, or both, not by the direct volume or resource consumption of the attack stimulus itself, but by the volume of responses that it generates [e]
  • Anycasting [r]: A technique for increasing load distribution and fault tolerance in networks with multiple copies of a read-only server function, but with the same unicast address. [e]

Articles related by keyphrases (Bot populated)

  • Tycho Brahe [r]: Danish astronomer of the 16th century. [e]
  • Sinkhole (Computer network) [r]: Techniques and equipment that divert hostile traffic, entering a computer network, to a place where they will not disturb production, and can be analyzed with appropriate forensics and diagnostics [e]