Parliament of the United Kingdom/Related Articles

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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about Parliament of the United Kingdom.
See also changes related to Parliament of the United Kingdom, or pages that link to Parliament of the United Kingdom or to this page or whose text contains "Parliament of the United Kingdom".

Parent topics


  • Monarchy of the United Kingdom [r]: The institution, the embodiment of which is the Head of State of the United Kingdom. [e]
  • Government of the United Kingdom [r]: Constitutional government where executive authority notionally lies with the monarch but is exercised in practice by his ministers, and is the collective name for these ministers. [e]
  • Privy Council (UK)‎ [r]: Political body which advises the monarch, performs both judicial and executive duties, and is mostly composed of senior politicians such as the highest members of government. [e]
  • Prime Minister of the United Kingdom [r]: The head of the British government, usually the leader of the largest political party in the House of Commons. [e]
  • Chancellor of the Exchequer [r]: The head of the department of the British government that administers the public revenue, including the receipt and expenditure of money for public services. [e]

House of Commons

House of Lords

Other related topics