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Khufu was the second pharaoh of the fourth dynasty of Ancient Egypt who ruled for twenty three years, between 2589 and 2566 BCE. He ordered the construction of the Great Pyramid at Giza, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. The name Khufu is a shortened version of the phrase Khnum-kuefui which means "Khnum protects me", being Khnum the name of the local god of Elephantine, an island near the first Nile cataract. The Greeks named him Cheops.

Very little is known about Khufu's life and reign. He was the son and successor of Sneferu and queen Hetepheres I and he had at least three wives. His main wife was Meritites I, who bore him a son named Kewab and a daughter, Hetepheres II. Queen Henutsen, another of his wives, seems to be the mother of Khafre (the ruler associated with the Second Pyramid at Giza) and of prince Khufukhaf.

Although it appears that Khufu wasn't as popular as his father and his grandfather Djoser, his funerary cult was still practised in the time of the twenty-sixth dynasty and even during the roman period.

The only surviving representation of Khufu is a tiny ivory statuette (7.5 cm high), which portrays him seated on a throne holding a flail in his right hand and wearing the red crown of Lower Egypt. The statuette was found at the temple of Khentimentiu at Abydos by Flinders Petrie and it is now at display in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.

Khufu´s sucessor was Radjedef, who killed his brother Kewab, the rightful heir to the egyptian throne.