Noah Webster/Bibliography
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- Austin Nathan W., "Lost in the Maze of Words: Reading and Re-reading Noah Webster's Dictionaries," Dissertation Abstracts International, 2005, Vol. 65 Issue 12, p. 4561. Austin explores the intersection of lexicographical and poetic practices in American literature, and attempts to map out a "lexical poetics" using Webster's dictionaries. He shows the ways in which American poetry has inherited Webster, has drawn upon his lexicography in order to reinvent it. Austin explicates key definitions from both the Compendious (1806) and American (1828) dictionaries, and brings into its discourse a range of concerns, including the politics of American English, the question of national identity and culture in the early moments of American independence, and the poetics of citation and of definition.
- "Noah Webster" in The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21). vol 18 section 25:33 online edition
- Bynack, Vincent P. "Noah Webster and the Idea of a National Culture: the Pathologies of Epistemology." Journal of the History of Ideas 1984 45(1): 99-114. Issn: 0022-5037 Fulltext in Jstor
- Ellis, Joseph J. After the Revolution: Profiles of Early American Culture 1979. chapter 6, interpretive essay online edition
- Gallardo, Andres. "The Standardization of American English." PhD dissertation State U. of New York, Buffalo 1980. 367 pp. DAI 1981 41(8): 3557-A. 8104193, focused on Webster's dictionary
- Kendall, Joshua, The Forgotten Founding Father: Noah Webster's Obsession and the Creation of an American Culture. (2011) ISBN 0399156992 Reviewed in The New York Times Sunday Book Review, May 2011
- Lepore, Jill. "Noah's Mark: Webster and the original dictionary wars." The New Yorker, (November 6, 2006). 78-87.
- Malone, Kemp. "Webster, Noah," Dictionary of American Biography, Volume 10 (1936)
- Micklethwait, David. Noah Webster and the American Dictionary (2005)
- Morgan, John S. Noah Webster (1975), popular biography
- Moss, Richard J. Noah Webster. Twayne, 1984. 131 pp.
- Nelson, C. Louise. "Neglect of Economic Education in Webster's 'Blue-Backed Speller'" American Economist, Vol. 39, 1995 online edition
- Rollins, Richard. The Long Journey of Noah Webster (1980) (ISBN 0-8122-7778-3)
- Rollins, Richard M. "Words as Social Control: Noah Webster and the Creation of the American Dictionary." American Quarterly 1976 28(4): 415-430. Issn: 0003-0678 in Jstor
- Scudder, Horace Elisha. Noah Webster (1885) 302 pages online edition
- Snyder, K. Alan. Defining Noah Webster: Mind and Morals in the Early Republic. University Press of America, 1990. 421 pp.
- Southard, Bruce. "Noah Webster: America's Forgotten Linguist." American Speech 1979 54(1): 12-22. Issn: 0003-1283 in Jstor
- Unger, Harlow Giles. Noah Webster: The Life and Times of an American Patriot (1998), scholarly biography
- Warfel, Harry R. Noah Webster: Schoolmaster to America (1936), standard biography
Primary sources
- Babbidge, Homer D. Jr., ed., Noah Webster: On Being American (1967), selections from his writings
- Carpenter, Edwin A. A Bibliography of the Writings of Noah Webster (1958)
- Warfel, Harry R. ed., Letters of Noah Webster (1953),
- Webster, Noah. The American Spelling Book: Containing the Rudiments of the English Language for the Use of Schools in the United States by Noah Webster (1999 reprint)
- Webster, Noah. The Autobiographies of Noah Webster: From the Letters and Essays, Memoir, and Diary. edited by Richard M. Rollins, U. of South Carolina Press, 1989. 378 pp.
- Webster, Noah, "American Dictionary of the English Language". Facsimile reprint (1967) of first edition. ISBN 091249803X