CZ:Management Council/Minutes/October 2010

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Minutes of the Management Council


1. Agenda

MC2010.10.01 10/25/10: Items not in any order:

  • committee chair
  • constabulary: how and who
  • finances
  • domain registration
  • Establish communications within the committee, between the other committees and officers of CZ, and with the community.
  • appoint & define role of Technical Lead.
  • fail-soft server/software administration.
  • Review list of Bureaucrats, Sysops, Dark Knights, etc.
  • Ensure that any critical information that is currently only known to Larry is passed on to the correct people
  • Cleanup wiki sidebar to remove outdated information (proposal system, fundamentals) and replace with new information (Charter)
  • Cleanup articles listing the Founding Editor-in-Chief as contact person. Replace with new contact person.
  • Remove “Beta” from the CZ Logo.
  • Establish election cohorts for MC.
  • Consider alternative forum software.
  • Establish election procedure for future elections.
  • Fix typos in charter
  • Establish rules of order.

Approved by unanimous consent.

2. Chair

MC2010.10.02, 10/26/10, and by email subject “Re: [Cz-mc] Voting on chairman”: Russell D. Jones was unanimously elected chair.

3. Financial Report

A. MC2010.10.03, 10/25/10: A proposal to investigate the current finances of CZ was moved and discussed. The MC approved the following (4-0):

    1. the MC make effort to discover the true state of Citizendium finances by having the Chair contact the Founding Editor-in-Chief and inquire about bank balances, funding status, current costs, and possible new funding;
    2. future discussions regarding finances be held in closed session; and
    3. fundraising discussions be held in open session. T

B. MC2010.10.03a, 10/25/10: A proposal to consult with the Founding Editor-in-Chief regarding the donation procedure was postponed for lack of quorum

4. Personnel

A. Chief Constable

  1. <via email, subject heading “Re: [Cz-mc] CC and ME”>, 10/25/10: D. Matt Innis was appointed Chief Constable.
  2. <via email, subject heading “Re: [Cz-mc] Ruth”>, 10/26/10: Ruth Ifcher was appointed Chief Constable Emeritus, the duties of which are that the Chief Constable Emeritus is to remain available for consultation by the MC or Constabulary on matters pertaining to the Constabulary.

B. Constables

<Via email, subject heading “[Cz-mc] Constable Anton Sweeney”>, 10/27/10: Anton Sweeney was appointed constable.

C. Technical Lead

<via email, subject heading “Re: [Cz-mc] Technical Lead”>, 10/27/10: Greg Sabino Mullane was appointed Technical Lead.

D. Constable Liaison

MC2010.10.11, 10/27/10: A proposal for a member of the MC to act as liaison between the MC and constabulary was moved and discussed. The item was closed without action.

5. Election Procedure

A. <via email, subject heading “Re: [Cz-mc] Gareth's letter needs and answer.”>, 10/26/10: A proposal to issue a statement regarding the election results was moved and discussed. The proposal was postponed without action.

B. MC2010.10.04, 10/26/10: It was moved that the MC should establish an election procedure; No quorum; Postponed.

6. Behavior Rules

MC2010.10.05, 10/26/10: It was moved that the MC should establish rules of behavior; No quorum; Postponed.

7. Procedural Rules

A. <Via Email, under subject “Re: Welcome to the Management Committee”> [sic], 10/25/10: The MC establishes an email discussion address [called “CZ-MC”] for deliberations.

B. <via email, under subject heading “”>, 10/27/10: A proposal for rules for the conduct of MC business was moved and discussed. The proposal was postponed to the forums.

C. MC2010.10.06, 10/27/10: Rules for the conduct of MC business were moved and discussed. The MC approved the following rules:

    1. All our voting on any subject shall occur over a 24 hour period or until all five members have voted, whichever comes first, so that all of us in greatly different time zones can participate in making decisions.
    2. That all our votes be decided by a simple majority. Thus, at least three (3) yes votes shall mean that the matter being voted upon is approved whereas at least three (3) no votes shall mean that matter is not approved.
    3. Any member can request to end discussion, and upon a second, debate shall close and a vote on the resolution will be taken.
    4. Postings by the chair as the chair shall not be recognized as seconding any proposal nor shall they be considered in the calculation of a quorum."

D. MC2010.10.07, 10/29/10: Rules for closed session were moved. Postponed for lack of quorum.

E. MC2010.10.06a A proposal for a revision of the rules was moved and discussed. The MC voted to amend rule #3 to read “(3) Once a motion has not changed for 24 hours, any member can request to end discussion. Upon a second, debate shall close and a vote on the resolution will be taken. If all members agree, a vote to end discussion may occur prior to the end of the 24 hour wait period.”

8. User Accounts

MC2010.10.08, 10/26/10: A proposal for New User Accounts for the ME, Om, TL, and CC was moved and discussed. The resolution was withdrawn without action.

9. User Rights

A. MC2010.10.09, 10/30/10: A proposal to remove wiki permissions for users given rights under the previous administration was moved and discussed. The Chair was directed to inquire about these user rights.

9. Establish EC Wiki

MC2010.10.10, 10/27/10: A proposal that the Citizendium maintain and fund a private wiki for the EC was passed. “On October 28, 2010, the MC authorized the Technical Lead or other individual to create a wiki-space on the CZ servers for the use of the Editorial Council as per the instructions from the Secretary of the EC.”

10. Communications with MC

A. <via email, subject heading “[Cz-mc] Creating a channel for community input to the MC”>, 10/27/10: A proposal to establish an open forum board for community input was moved and discussed. The MC postponed the discussion to the Forums.

B. MC2010.10.12, 10/30/10: A proposal for the establishment of channels of communication and rules for discussion was moved and discussed. The proposal was amended to close CZ-MC and establish a private community communications board. A proposal to remove the MC community input page from the wiki was moved and discussed. The item was amended as MC2010.10.14.

C. MC2010.10.13, 10/30/10: The Management Council approved the following resolution (4-0):

    1. The Management Council will have a publicly accessible forum board which is read-only to anyone not on the Management Council. It will be used for the majority of discussion between members of the Management Council.
    2. The Management Council will have a private forum board which is hidden from anyone who is not on the Management Council. It will be used for sensitive discussions between members of the Management Council. The definition of 'sensitive discussions' is defined elsewhere.
    3. The Management Council will have a public forum board on which any Citizen may post, reply and view topics. It will be used to allow Citizens to publicly communicate with the Management Council.
    4. The Management Council will have a private forum board on which any Citizen may post, however they will only see topics that they have started. It will be used to allow Citizens to privately communicate with the Management Council.