Statcoulomb/Related Articles

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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about Statcoulomb.
See also changes related to Statcoulomb, or pages that link to Statcoulomb or to this page or whose text contains "Statcoulomb".

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  • Dyne [r]: Force in cgs system; symbol: dyn; 1 dyn = 10−5 N. [e]
  • Electric field [r]: force acting on an electric charge—a vector field. [e]
  • Electromagnetism [r]: Phenomena and theories regarding electricity and magnetism. [e]
  • James Clerk Maxwell [r]: (1831 – 1879) Scottish physicist best known for his formulation of electromagnetic theory and the statistical theory of gases. [e]
  • Polarizability [r]: The ease by which a charge-distribution polarizes; describes the amount of charge separation caused by an electric field. [e]
  • Speed of light [r]: A physical constant c describing the speed of electromagnetic radiation in vacuum. In the International System of Units the metre is the distance light travels in classical vacuum in 1/c seconds, using the defined value c = c0299  792  458 m/s (exact). [e]
  • Statampere [r]: Electric current in the Gaussian system of units; symbol statA; 1 statA = 1 A/(10⋅c); c is the speed of light in m/s. [e]
  • Statvolt [r]: Unit of electric voltage; symbol statV; 1 statV = 10−6×c volt; c speed of light in m/s. [e]