Hannah Arendt/Related Articles

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  • Totalitarianism [r]: Any political system, or ideologies that support such a system, in which a centralized political authority controls every aspects of life. [e]
  • Origins of Totalitarianism [r]: Add brief definition or description
  • American Revolution [r]: (1763-1789) war that resulted in the formation of the U.S., in which 13 North American colonies overthrew British rule. [e]
  • French Revolution [r]: The revolutionary episode in France that deposed the king and the aristocracy, created a republic, and included a period of terror, in which thousands were killed or driven into exile. [e]
  • Zionism [r]: The ideology that Jews should form a Jewish state in what is traced as the Biblical area of Palestine; there are many interpretations, including the boundaries of such a state and its criteria for citizenship [e]
  • Holocaust [r]: Nazi Germany's systematic economic exploitation, followed by killing, of European Jews and others deemed racial and ideological enemies [e]
  • Adolf Eichmann [r]: A key leader in the planning and operation of the Holocaust, who escaped Germany but was subsequently apprehended by Israeli agents in Argentina, and tried and executed by an Israeli court [e]
  • Authority [r]: Derived from the Latin word auctoritas: the power or right to make rules or laws. [e]

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