Richard Réti/Related Articles

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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about Richard Réti.
See also changes related to Richard Réti, or pages that link to Richard Réti or to this page or whose text contains "Richard Réti".

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  • Aron Nimzowitsch [r]: (November 7, 1886, Riga – March 16], 1935, Denmark) was a chess player of grandmaster strength and a very influential chess writer. He was the foremost figure amongst the hypermoderns. [e]
  • Austria [r]: Federal republic in central Europe (population c. 8.2 million; capital Vienna), bordered to the north by Germany and the Czech Republic; to the south by Italy and Slovenia; to the west by Switzerland and Liechtenstein; and to the east by Hungary and Slovakia. [e]
  • Chess [r]: 2-player board game for a checkered board; requires skill, strategy and intellect; the 1960s 3M Bookshelf game series included a version of Chess [e]
  • Scarlet fever [r]: An acute bacterial infection, caused by Streptococcus pyogenes, usually presenting as a sudden sore throat with a red rash, fever, and changes in the color of the tongue. [e]
  • Slovakia [r]: The Slovak Republic (population c. 5.5 million; capital Bratislava) is a landlocked nation adjoining Austria to the west, the Czech Republic to the north-west, Poland to the north, Ukraine to the east and Hungary to the south. [e]