Bismullah v. Gates/External Links

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A hand-picked, annotated list of Web resources about Bismullah v. Gates.
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  • Joan Biskupic. Gitmo cases offer legal complexities, USA Today, February 24 2008. Retrieved on 2008-02-27. “The U.S. Supreme Court issued an order Friday setting a schedule for the Bush administration's appeal of a D.C. Circuit decision in the matter. The lower court, in a decision last July, said that when it reviews an enemy designation it should have access to all the government information collected on a detainee, "regardless of whether it was all put before the tribunal." The D.C. Circuit had said it needed to look comprehensively at all of the government information to properly assess whether the correct decision was made at Guantanamo. The government contends that ruling would put too great a burden on it and that it would undermine national security because enemy determinations are based partly on classified information.”