Tuskegee Syphilis Study/Bibliography

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A list of key readings about Tuskegee Syphilis Study.
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Original Tuskegee Study Papers

  • Caldwell, J. G., E. V. Price, et al. (1973). "Aortic regurgitation in the Tuskegee study of untreated syphilis." J Chronic Dis 26(3): 187-94.
  • Hiltner, S. (1973). "The Tuskegee Syphilis Study under review." Christ Century 90(43): 1174-6.
  • Kampmeier, R. H. (1972). "The Tuskegee study of untreated syphilis." South Med J 65(10): 1247-51.
  • Kampmeier, R. H. (1974). "Final report on the "Tuskegee syphilis study"." South Med J 67(11): 1349-53.
  • Olansky, S., L. Simpson, et al. (1954). "Environmental factors in the Tuskegee study of untreated syphilis." Public Health Rep 69(7): 691-8.
  • Rockwell, D. H., A. R. Yobs, et al. (1964). "The Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis; the 30th Year of Observation." Arch Intern Med 114: 792-8.
  • Schuman, S. H., S. Olansky, et al. (1955). "Untreated syphilis in the male negro; background and current status of patients in the Tuskegee study." J Chronic Dis 2(5): 543-58.


  • Gjestland T. "The Oslo study of untreated syphilis: an epidemiologic investigation of the natural course of the syphilitic infection based upon a re-study of the Boeck-Bruusgaard material," Acta Derm Venereol (1955) 35(Suppl 34):3-368.
  • Fred D. Gray, The Tuskegee Syphilis Study: The Real Story and Beyond (Montgomery, Alabama: NewSouth Books, 1998).
  • James H. Jones, Bad Blood: The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment (New York: Free Press, 1981 & 1993).
  • NOVA. (1993). "The Deadly Deception." PBS/WGBH Video.
  • Susan M. Reverby, "History of an Apology: From Tuskegee to the White House," Research Nurse (1998) 3.full text
  • Susan M. Reverby, ed. Tuskegee's Truths: Rethinking the Tuskegee Syphilis Study (University of North Carolina Press, 2000).
  • Jean Heller (Associated Press), "Syphilis Victims in the U.S. Study Went Untreated for 40 Years" New York Times, July 26, 1972: 1, 8.
  • Thomas, Stephen B. and Quinn, Sandra Crouse, "The Tuskegee Syphilis Study, 1932–1972: Implications for HIV Education and AIDS Risk Programs in the Black Community," American Journal of Public Health (1991) 81: 1503.
  • Elof Axel Carlson. "Times of triumph, times of doubt : science and the battle for the public trust " (Cold Spring Harbor Press, 2006) ISBN 0-87969-805-5