The Song Remains the Same/Catalogs

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An informational catalog, or several catalogs, about The Song Remains the Same.

Release history

Country Date Label Format Catalog Notes
US 1976 Warner Bros. VHS NTSC 0853 9113 8938
US 1976 Warner Bros. LD 11389
Japan 1976 Warner Bros. LD 10WL-4
Japan 1976 Warner Bros. LD NJEL 11389
UK 1984 Warner Bros. VHS PAL PEV 61389
Italy 1984 Warner Bros. VHS PAL PIV 11389
UK 1988 Warner Bros. VHS PAL PES 61389
US 1991 Warner Bros. VHS NTSC 630 027 0424
US 1991 Warner Bros. LD 0853 9113 8969
US 1999 Warner Bros. DVD 0853 9113 8921
Spain 2000 Warner Bros. DVD Box DVD 11389
US 2007 Warner Bros. Double DVD Z1 72654 Special edition
US 2007 Warner Bros. DVD Box 12569 83780 90 ST Collectors edition
US 2007 Warner Bros. BL 0853 9115 7113
UK 2007 Warner Bros. DVD Box 3000015364 Collectors edition
UK 2008 Warner Bros. DVD Box SD-83780 Collectors edition