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< Dragonfly
Revision as of 10:44, 24 July 2024 by Pat Palmer (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{subpages}} * Philip S. Corbet. Dragonflies: Behavior and Ecology of Odonata. Cornell University Press, 1999. ISBN 978-0801425929. * Rosser W. Garrison, Natalia von Ellenrieder, Jerry A. Louton. Dragonfly Genera of the New World: An Illustrated and Annotated Key to the Anisoptera. The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006. ISBN 978-0801884467. * Richard E. White, Donald J. Borror, Roger Tory Peterson. A Field Guide to Insects. Houghton Mifflin, 1998. ISBN 978-039591170...")
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  • Philip S. Corbet. Dragonflies: Behavior and Ecology of Odonata. Cornell University Press, 1999. ISBN 978-0801425929.
  • Rosser W. Garrison, Natalia von Ellenrieder, Jerry A. Louton. Dragonfly Genera of the New World: An Illustrated and Annotated Key to the Anisoptera. The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006. ISBN 978-0801884467.
  • Richard E. White, Donald J. Borror, Roger Tory Peterson. A Field Guide to Insects. Houghton Mifflin, 1998. ISBN 978-0395911709.
  • Integrated Taxonomic Information System.
  • Sidney W. Dunkle. Dragonflies through Binoculars: A Field Guide to Dragonflies of North America. Oxford University Press, USA, 2000. ISBN 978-0195112689.
  • Dragonflies (Wild Guide). Cynthia Berger, Amelia Hansen. Dragonflies (Wild Guide). Stackpole Books, 2004. ISBN 978-0811729710.