CZ:Editorial Council Resolution 0007

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Revision as of 17:53, 16 November 2007 by imported>Larry Sanger (→‎The resolution)
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The resolution

Whereas, The Citizendium Editorial Council's membership should be particularly well-informed about the project;

Whereas, Membership should also include some representation from the body of authors, whose special interests are affected by Council decisions; and

Whereas, the Council needs a method whereby regular selection of members can take place;

Resolved, That the Council adopts the following rules and procedures for Constabulary membership.

I. Composition of the Council.

The Citizendium Editorial Council, concerned as it is with matters of content policy about which knowledge professionals are particularly expert, will have a preponderance of editors among its membership. But, since the Council is voting on matters that concern the rights and responsibilities of authors, the body of authors as a whole also requires representation.

Therefore, there will be 33 members of the Editorial Council, 22 editors and 11 authors. All members must satisfy the requirements for membership listed below.

II. Requirements for membership.

To be qualified to be a member of the Citizendium Editorial Council, a person's identity must be confirmed to the same level of certainty required for editors generally. Moreover, the person should have

(1) made his or her first edit of the wiki at least one month prior to the beginning of the selection process;

(2) edited the main namespace or the main talk namespace of wiki, in good faith, at least 20 times in the past year;

(3) made at least one edit in the last three months; and

(4) if the person was a Council member during the immediately prior session, voted on at least half of the resolutions.

III. Selection of members.

The Council will hold a selection process beginning every year on [date to be determined].

The technical department of the Citizendium will compile a list of Citizens that satisfies conditions (1)-(3) above. Then the Secretary or, if the Secretary is not available, a person chosen by the Chair (in either case, the "Selection Official"), will determine which of the members are eligible editors, according to the list on Category:CZ Editors and condition (4) above.

The Selection Official will then, on the date of the beginning of the selection process (above), e-mail the eligible editors, asking if they are willing to join the Council. At the same time, the Selection Official will post a call for author representatives to Citizendium-L.

In the unlikely event that the pool of eligible and willing editors numbers fewer than 22, then the selection official should invite other editors whose work does not satisfy (1)-(4). If the pool numbers exactly 22, those editors become the members. If the pool numbers more than 22, then the following happens:

  • those members who are in positions of responsibility, such as Chair, Secretary, and subcommittee chairs, are automatically accepted;
  • a random selection from among the eligible candidates is made.

Method of execution

Upon adoption, the rules will be moved onto their own page and linked appropriately from other Council pages.


No vote yet

Current status

Initial resolution


  • Initial comments from Council Members (none yet)
  • Forums board for Resolution 0007 (none yet)
  • Member position statements
  • Longer statements from Council Members:
    • None submitted


Before it is added to the Agenda, these sponsors, but only these sponsors, may edit the text of the resolution. After it is added to the Agenda, it cannot be edited by anyone except via the amendment process.

  • Sponsored by: Larry Sanger
  • Co-sponsored by Council members (limited to two names):

Resolution history

  • Proposed: November 16, 2007
  • Entered queue:
  • Entered initial discussion:
  • Entered public discussion:
  • Entered voting on resolution:
  • Close of voting on resolution:
The Editorial Council was merged with the Management Council into a single governing body in 2013. All EC rules and decisions were upheld
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