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The  '''[[eurozone crisis]]''' that started in 2010 arose from doubts about the ability of some eurozone governments to service their debts. .
The financial assistance given to those governments has  failed restore the confidence of the markets,  and bond market investors have become reluctant to buy the bonds being issued by some other eurozone governments. There are uncertainties about the willingness of the major eurozone governments to provide the further assistance that may be needed, and fears that there may be a breakup of the eurozone and a global financial crisis if they do not.
The crisis started early in 2010 with the revelation that, without external assistance, the Greek government would be forced to default on its debt. The assistance that was provided by other eurozone governments enabled the  Greek government to continue to roll-over maturing debts until, in the latter half of 20ll, it became evident that a default could no longer be avoided. In the meantime, investors' fears of default had increased the cost of borrowing to other eurozone governments, making it necessary to provide financial assistance to the governments of  both Ireland and Portugal. By September 2011, the international community had become aware of the danger that a Greek government default, and that its repercussions could administer a shock to the world economy comparable to the shock that triggered the Great Recession. Plans were initiated to provide the financial support needed to avoid a comparable  malfunction of the global financial system. Substantial political obstacles would have to be overcome before such plans could be put into effect.
====Background to the crisis====
In 1991, leaders of the 15 countries that then made up the European Union,  set up a monetary union with a single currency. There were strict criteria for joining (including targets for inflation, interest rates and budget deficits), and other rules that were intended to preserve its members' fiscal sustainability were added later. No provision was made for the expulsion of countries that did not comply with its rules, nor for the voluntary departure of those who no longer wished to remain, but it was intended to impose financial penalties for breaches.
Greece joined, what by then was known as  the eurozone, in 2001, Slovenia in 2007, Cyprus and Malta in 2008, Slovakia in 2009.
The current membership comprises Belgium,  Germany¸ Ireland,  Greece,  Spain,  France,  Italy,  Cyprus,  Luxembourg,  Malta,  The Netherlands,  Austria,  Portugal,  Slovenia,  Slovakia,  and Finland. Bulgaria, Czech Republic.
The non-members of the eurozone among members of the European Union are Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Sweden and the United Kingdom.
''[[Eurozone crisis|.... (read more)]]''
{|align="center" cellpadding="5" style="background:lightgray; width:95%; border: 1px solid #aaa; margin:10px; font-size: 92%;"
| In addition to the following text, this article comprises:<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;- a [[Eurozone crisis/Addendum#Crisis development by country|'''country-by-country summary''']] of the development of the crisis;<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;- [[Eurozone crisis/Timelines|'''links  to contemporary reports''']] of the main events of the crisis;<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; - notes  on [[Eurozone crisis/Tutorials#The debt trap|'''the debt trap''']], the eurozone's  departures from [[Eurozone crisis/Tutorials#Departures from optimum currency area criteria| '''optimum currency area criteria''']], and on [[Eurozone crisis/Tutorials#The eurobond proposal|'''the eurobond proposal''']];  and,<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; - tabulations of the [[Eurozone crisis/Addendum#Fiscal characteristics|'''fiscal characteristics of the PIIGS countries''']] , and their [[Eurozone crisis/Addendum#GDP growth|'''GDP growth rates''']]

Latest revision as of 10:19, 11 September 2020

The Mathare Valley slum near Nairobi, Kenya, in 2009.

Poverty is deprivation based on lack of material resources. The concept is value-based and political. Hence its definition, causes and remedies (and the possibility of remedies) are highly contentious.[1] The word poverty may also be used figuratively to indicate a lack, instead of material goods or money, of any kind of quality, as in a poverty of imagination.


Primary and secondary poverty

The use of the terms primary and secondary poverty dates back to Seebohm Rowntree, who conducted the second British survey to calculate the extent of poverty. This was carried out in York and was published in 1899. He defined primary poverty as having insufficient income to “obtain the minimum necessaries for the maintenance of merely physical efficiency”. In secondary poverty, the income “would be sufficient for the maintenance of merely physical efficiency were it not that some portion of it is absorbed by some other expenditure.” Even with these rigorous criteria he found that 9.9% of the population was in primary poverty and a further 17.9% in secondary.[2]

Absolute and comparative poverty

More recent definitions tend to use the terms absolute and comparative poverty. Absolute is in line with Rowntree's primary poverty, but comparative poverty is usually expressed in terms of ability to play a part in the society in which a person lives. Comparative poverty will thus vary from one country to another.[3] The difficulty of definition is illustrated by the fact that a recession can actually reduce "poverty".

Causes of poverty

The causes of poverty most often considered are:

  • Character defects
  • An established “culture of poverty”, with low expectations handed down from one generation to another
  • Unemployment
  • Irregular employment, and/or low pay
  • Position in the life cycle (see below) and household size
  • Disability
  • Structural inequality, both within countries and between countries. (R H Tawney: “What thoughtful rich people call the problem of poverty, thoughtful poor people call with equal justice a problem of riches”)[4]

As noted above, most of these, or the extent to which they can be, or should be changed, are matters of heated controversy.


  1. Alcock, P. Understanding poverty. Macmillan. 1997. ch 1.
  2. Harris, B. The origins of the British welfare state. Palgrave Macmillan. 2004. Also, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
  3. Alcock, Pt II
  4. Alcock, Preface to 1st edition and pt III.