User:Wim Huyghe

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The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.

Wim Huyghe was born in Belgium, Flanders in 1967. He completed a degree in electrical engineering at Gent (Master in Industrial Sciences). He acquired additional degrees on Informatics and Applied Informatics at the University of Leuven. During these studies his passion was driven towards programming, with special interests in programming languages and advanced programming language concepts. He completed his masters degree with in 1994 with a final paper on partial evaluation (also called program specialization): “Case study on partial evaluation; generation of a compiler for a lazy functional language” . The Purpose was to Investigate how to develop a realistic and useful compiler for a functional language with lazy semantics. This by using a self-applicable partial evaluator for a higher order subset of Scheme, a Lisp dialect. This paper was based on the Futamura projections (see Yoshihiko Futamura. Partial Evaluation of Computation Process -- An Approach to a Compiler-Compiler Systems). Since then his interest was driven towards functional languages like Common Lisp, Haskell, Scheme.

Wim Huyghe started his professional career in 1994 as software engineer for EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) projects in a medium sized company located in Leuven, focused on IT services in the area of social security using languages like COBOL and C.

In 1997, Wim Huyghe joined Alcatel, his knowledge and background on functional languages became valuable as he started to work on a an object oriented, rule based and event driven expert system. This was a development platform dedicated to the development of intelligent and integrated management applications. The platform was based on Common Lisp and CLOS. Since then, his career at Alcatel was focused on the development of commercial software products in which he cooperated mainly as software architect or lead software engineer. . The current application domains in which he is specialized are network & system management system and provisioning systems for telecommunications networks (NGN and IMS). The current main technologies used are C++, Java (J2EE), Web Services (SOAP), XML, Xpath.

Currently Wim Huyghe is active within the Next Generation Networks Division of Alcatel-Lucent focusing on the definition and architecture of a system for management of distributed XML repositories. This system is designed as a generic data federator and enabler for resource provisioning solutions. This product is the basic platform for the Generic User Profile provisioning server compliant with 3GPP Rel6 GUP standards and Liberty Alliance standards. Wim Huyghe has more than 14 years of software development experience with emphasis and technical expertise in following areas: requirements specification, architecture, design and development. Expert in using object-oriented development techniques, design patterns and languages. Expertise in network and system management, provisioning systems, EDI systems. More than eight years experience with management and coaching of software development teams in different roles (architect, software engineer, development manager), including coaching of subcontractors in product design and development activities. Due to his background as software specialist and his roles as technical leader and architect he has been coaching and steering design engineers and developers in their activities for a number of years. As such he played a mentor role in software development activities.

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