User:Rachel Antigone Wilkes
The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.
I am a 29-year-old student at Iowa State University. I am working on my second
undergraduate degree. My first was in nursing, and now I am pursuing a double
major in Physics and Philosophy. I worked as a neuro nurse at the Mayo Clinic
for 5 years, and quit to pursue my own education full time in 2005. I intend to
use my experiences in neurology and my degree in physics to pursue research in
the relatively new field of quantum neuroscience.
My other interests include the studies of religion and philosophy (with particular emphasis on existentialism), gender studies, GLBT rights issues, alternative relationship structures and communal living models.
I live in a cohousing community, and along with my cohousing partners, I am concerned about the apparent unsustainability of the current suburban model for living.