User:Paul Vaiss

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The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.

I am a university professor specialised in Anglo-american culture, economy and history of ideas. I wrote a Doctorat d'Etat thesis in French for the Sorbonne (my viva was in december 1988) on "The evolution of J.H. Newman's thought until the eve of the Oxford Movement" (1248 pages) which was published by L'Harmattan in 1991 (Newman, sa vie, sa pensée, sa spiritualité). I also published two other books on related subjects, one in English : From Oxford to the people - reconsidering Newman and the Oxford Movement, Leominster (UK) Gracewing, 1996 and one in French : Le Mouvement d'Oxford, un réexamen critique, Bern, New York, Peter Lang, 2005. I also wrote two books on the economy and sociology of contemporary Britain and another on the special relationship between the US and the UK. I am, at present, preparing a doctoral thesis in Theology on the figure of Melchsédek from Genesis 14 to the epistle to the Hebrews. I have extensively published on religious subjects.