User:Juliette Hughes

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The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.

I am a writer and editor. Currently I do freelance articles and reviews for The Age, a broadsheet newspaper published in Melbourne, Australia. I also work as Assistant Editor for the refereed publication 'Champagnat: A Marist Journal of Education'. I work every year on a sessional basis for the Victorian Curriculum Assessment Authority. My area of expertise is singing, and I assess in Solo, Group and Industry-based Year 12 performance examinations in both Classical and Contemporary Voice. I also lecture (on a yearly sessional basis) on music in the training course for Civil Celebrants at Monash University, Victoria, Australia. Born 27 May 1949, England; family settled in Australia 1963 Educated at Clonard College Geelong Vic and the University of Melbourne Qualifications: B.A. (hons) 1973, Diploma of Education 1974 Specialising in English and History. Completed 2 years of the 3-year Victorian College of the Arts Graduate Diploma of Opera and Music Theatre in 1981 (did not complete because of family commitments). Between 1992 and 2006 I also worked as a columnist and proofreader on the now-defunct print version of the magazine 'Eureka Street'.