User:Isabel David

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The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.

I am a Lecturer at the School of Social and Political Sciences, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal. MPhil in International Relations. Primary Research Interests: Pluralism, Liberalism, Democracy, Religion and Politics, Federalism. Publications include:

- “Covenant” and “Haitian Politics and Society” – entries accepted for inclusion in the forthcoming International Encyclopedia of Political Science, edited by George T. Kurian, CQ Press.

- “Political Theology: Religion and Politics in Federalism.” In Redefining Europe, edited by Xsenia Khovanova. Amsterdam & New York: Rodopi (forthcoming).

- “The Trade-off Between Federalism and Sovereignty. A Critique of the Unalterable Dynamics of the State.” In International Research On Global Affairs, edited by Gregory T. Papanikos. Athens: ATINER, 2005.

- “From Dialectics to Political Theology: Rethinking Complexity in Federalism.” In Redefining Europe, edited by Joseph Drew. Amsterdam & New York: Rodopi, 2005.