User:Hans-Josef Heck
The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.
vocational education as retail salesman
manager of a retail store
studies of economics, organization and business management at the University of Cologne (graduated as Diplomkaufmann)
studies of science theory for the thesis for graduation: thesis on the basic factors in economics and business management
second state examination (teacher's degree for secondary schools)
teaching economics, accounting, organization, data processing and informatics since 1969 at vocational schools
property manager since 1994
research on science theory since 2004
Publications (Books):
1982/1984 "Computerauswahl für Schulen" -
(Introduction to the functions of hardware and operating systems + criteria for choosing hardware and operating system - for teachers going to teach data processing / informatics)
1989-1993 "Unix - Eine strukturierte Einführung"
(First German pocket book on Unix, translations into Dutch and English)
1991 "Unix - Benutzerumgebung und Kommandosprache"
2008 "Wissenschaffen und Handeln - Eine Grundlegung der Wissenschafts- und Wirtschaftstheorie"
(No translation into English, yet. Possible title: "Knowledge-creating and Acting - A Foundation of Knowledge and Economic Theory")