User:Greg Heuer
The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.
Greg has been training since 1960. He has learned a lot from others along the way, and is eager to make your business or profession run a little smoother.
Greg grew up working next to his father at a woodworking bench in the Chicago area and graduated from the University of Michigan with a degree in Music Education. He taught high school band in Michigan; conducted show bands in Reno, Nevada; and returned to Chicago in the mid 1970’s to manage his father’s woodworking firm. Active participation in the Chicago Chapter of the Architectural Woodwork Institute (AWI) taught Greg the value of AWI membership to his firm and to the design community of Chicagoland.
Since 1987, after joining AWI as a member of the professional staff, Greg travels about 100 days per year visiting the AWI Chapters, design professionals, and providing technical support to the construction industry. An enthusiastic speaker, Greg has presented training and information to widely varied audiences at international gatherings, national conventions, regional meetings, chapter events, and individual offices. He is also a Certified Instructor for the Motorcycle Safety Foundation courses.
From 1990 he has served as staff liaison for the Quality Standards Illustrated, pioneering the migration from cut-and-paste, type-set proofs to fully desktop published books with electronic versions on CD-ROMs. He has also been instrumental in the improvement of the AWI Cost of Doing Business Report and the updating of the AWI operational estimating system, the Cost Book. The Design Pro Presentations, prepared in PowerPoint and published on disc for the use of AWI members, have won praise from coast-to-coast. Over the years, Mr. Heuer has traveled across North America delivering hands-on programs to thousands of construction industry professionals and educators on many topics related to architectural woodwork, the Quality Standards and the proper specification and use of wood, nature’s gift to man. Well known and highly acclaimed for his motivational and inspirational speaking skills, Greg always leaves his audience charged with energy and information.