User:Christopher Macrae/Transparency
The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.
Transparency is a human relations system quality, and so a network (system times system quality.) In an age of ever increasing connectivity, it is vital for peoples to bridge cultures as well as potential digital divides by helping each other explore transparency in tangible and intangible ways. On life critical information, transparency's overarching goal must be to bring degrees of separation down.
Without appreciation of transparency through time, trust-flows exponentially decay around human consequences. Instead of truth being symbiotic with hi-trust leadership, truth's value multipliers - essential to sustainable growth - degrade to becoming a convenience and then an inconvenience. The communal consequences can only be devastating.
The most tangible criterion for a single system is zero tolerance of corruption. This is a necessary condition for the system to spiral sustainable growth (virtuously) rather than spiral decay (viciously)
For a network case, consider those working to reconcile a disastrous history - eg nuclear clean up. A pre-requisite will be that all the different partnering systems in the reconciliation be as open as each other in disclosing what has happened historically as well as what need to be simultaneously conflict resolved if a cleaner future is to emerge.
A related but subtly different process is involved in mapping whether a hierarchy is capable of a critical response which needs empowerment from the grassroots up. Unfortunately, this quality of transparency has been critically missing in many humanitarian disasters : Katrina, Iraq or longitudinal ones such as ending malaria, preventing spread of HIV.
To audit and interact transparency, anyone truly contributing to a service organisation - a productive and demanding system of relationships sustaining a purposeful context - needs to share a see through map, and not just spreadsheets of numbers. When such a map works for any user, it enables anyone to quickly find their place on it, to safely and productively connect flows wherever people connect between one coordinate and another, to update purposeful progress through time that is contextually and communally enriching.
If a map is grounded in transparency, you can trust the simplicity of zooming out or in - however great the subsystem details and numerous the environmental interfaces it interconnects. Consequently, when risk, or other analysts, complain about complexity, systemic entrepreneurship as a method of open leadership inquiry advanced in The Economist as far back as the 1840s argues: such analysts either have a wrong map or have not yet discovered a map of sufficient innovation transparency through future history
Overall, transparency mapping requires: C corruption - zero tolerance B - Burst no flows A - Account for context integration of localities into the whole not a global standard only managed from the top.
Transparency is one of various system qualities - others include trust-flow and exponentials of sustainability - that is currently missing from what we learn and action at every grade. Critically, humanity will not succeed in uniting round a sustainable globalisation unless we value transparency mapmaking. Economics itself loses transparency where it becomes designed so that the big gets bigger instead of integrating every locality and micro coordinate into a whole the way that both nature’s evolution and the mathematics of integration do.
Transparency is essential if participation in interactive media is going to help world citizen networks to merge with a higher order of collaboration than was conceivable let alone practical before the www . Transparency appears as a deep inquiry focus of online competitions being hosted by social entrepreneurs.