User:Blade Marcantel
The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.
Hi world! I'm Blade Marcantel, Obviously. I am from Oberlin, Louisiana, or at least that's where I went to school. Currently, I am enrolled in Northwestern State Univeristy in Natchitoches, Louisiana. I am a Junior and I'm majoring in English with a Philosophy minor. I hope to write novels one day and possibly go to Guildhall at SMU for level desing in video games. I also would love to own a Comic Shop. I love comics, video games, and writing. Also I'm a big fan of Lost, Heroes, Jericho, Stargate, and many more! I love to find out useless information.
Contact Info: Email: AIM: Stetsonblade
P.S. If anyone would like to give me a hand making this User page look better, just send me a IM or email and we can discuss options and ideas! Thanks!