Talk:U.S. Ambassador to the Netherlands

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 Definition Fay Hartog Levin was appointed in August 2009; her parents were Dutch and emigrated to the U.S. after the Second World War; she is an attorney in public relations, and was part of the 2008 Obama campaign finance organization [d] [e]
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Level of personal detail in the article

In the diplomatic articles, such as U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, I've been restricting the details about the current ambassador to current policies and linking to a biographical article. The reason I do that is that it lets me make clear policy trends among ambassadors. The list of ambassadors, although I'm not quite prepared to type back to 1781, also shows interesting: note that L. Paul Bremer, the viceroy in Iraq, was an ambassador to the Netherlands. He was always a European specialist; it seemed as if the Bush administration went out of their way to get people without area-specific knowledge. The article I cited also has the interesting point that U.S. ambassadors have generally been financial contributors, and many have serious interests in art.Howard C. Berkowitz 07:08, 24 August 2009 (UTC)

Howard, I saw that you added a whole lot of US ambassador articles and I understand that you keep them short. But since Fay Hartog was in the news here, I added some easy to find stuff. I omitted her policy statements because up to now that's just talk. We have to wait and see what she achieves. I remember Paul Bremer III quite well, he even spoke some Dutch. He was one of the few career diplomats that we had here as US ambassador, most of them bought their ambassadorship (as far as I know, it costs about US$ 30,000). I don't know what article you are referring to, does it quote the price of a Dutch Ambassadorship? --Paul Wormer 08:33, 24 August 2009 (UTC)
You'll see that while the U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia is short, the articles on Chas Freeman, Wyche Fowler, etc., are not. While I don't know what a Saudi ambassadorship costs -- and there have been some career diplomats -- it seems to be very, very lucrative afterwards. Howard C. Berkowitz 08:39, 24 August 2009 (UTC)