Stress and appetite/Bibliography

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Journal Articles
Cavagnini F et al. (2000) Glucocorticoids and neuroendocrine function. International Journal of Obesity 24: Suppl 2, s77-s79. PMID 10997615 "..glucocorticoids promote food consumption directly through stimulation of NPY and inhibition of CRH and melanocortin release...CRH is anorexigenic when secreted acutely while it exerts the opposite effect when, upon sustaines secretion, it stimulates the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis." Emelie Gustafson 15:48, 24 October 2010 (UTC)
Dallman, M et al. (1995 The neural network that regulates energy balance is responsive to glucocorticoids and insulin and also regulates HPA axis responsivity at a site proximal to CRF neurons. Ann N Y Acad Sci 771:730-42. PMID 8597446 ” What follows0 is a review first of our more recent studies that suggest strongly that the HPA axis serves as one arm of a two-hormone system (corticosteroids and insulin) that regulates energy balance over the long term. Next, we will describe our results on the effect of the diurnal rhythm and of caloric intake on the magnitude of ACTH responses to stress, corticosteroid feedback, and prior stress-induced facilitation in acutely restrained rats…we observe that NPY may be the major integrator of activities in the feeding and adrenocortical system.”--Emelie Gustafson 13:05, 11 October 2010 (UTC)
Dimitrov EL et al. (2006) Involvement of neuropeptide Y Y1 receptors in the regulation of neuroendocrine corticotropin-releasing hormone neuronal activity Endocrinology 148:3666-73 "Neuropeptide Y (NPY) expression is prominent within the PVN, and previous reports indicated that NPY stimulates CRH mRNA levels. The purpose of these studies was to examine the participation of NPY receptors in HPA axis activation and determine whether neuroendocrine CRH neurons express NPY receptor immunoreactivity" Emelie Gustafson 15:53, 24 October 2010 (UTC)
Foster, M et al. (2009) Palatable foods, stress, and energy stores sculpt corticotropin-releasing factor, adrenocorticotropin, and corticosteron concentrations after restraint Endocrinology 150:2325-33 PMID 19106219 “ In this study we tested the effects of prior access to chow-only, sucrose/chow, lard/chow, or sucrose/lard/chow diets on central CRF expression on rats…in response to acute stress and chronic stress… The results suggest strongly that ingestion of highly palatable foods reduces activity in the central stress response network, perhaps reducing the feeling of stressors.”--Emelie Gustafson 13:05, 11 October 2010 (UTC)
Jhanwar-Uniyal M et al. (1993) Neuropeptide Y projection from arcuate nucleus to parvocellular division of paraventricular nucleus: specific relation to the ingestion of carbohydrate Brain Res 631:97-106 PMID 8298999 "Neuropeptide Y (NPY) injection into the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN) stimulates feeding behavior and specifically carbohydrate intake in rats. The present study investigated the relation between endogenous levels of NPY and natural ingestion for carbohydrate. It also examined the possible importance of a specific NPY projection in this relationship, which traverses from cell bodies in the arcuate nucleus (ARC) to terminals in the parvocellular division of the PVN (pPVN)."Emelie Gustafson 15:40, 26 October 2010 (UTC)
Schwartz M et al. (2000) Central nervous system control of food intake Nature 404:661-671 PMID 10766253 “To better understand how energy homeostasis can be achieved, we described a model that delineates the roles of individual hormonal and neuropeptide signaling pathways in the control of food intake and the means by which obesity can arise from inherited or acquired defects in their function.”--Emelie Gustafson 13:05, 11 October 2010 (UTC)
Takeda E, et al. {2004} Stress control and human nutrition. 51(3-4):139-45. Review PMID: 15460899 - General Information, would be useful to have a read through.
Kandiah J et al. (2006) Stress influences appetite and comfort food preferences in college women. 26(18):118-23 Christina Lang 10:16, 12 October 2010 (UTC)
Aguilera G. 2010 HPA axis responsiveness to stress; Implications for healthy aging. Exp Gerontol. PMID:20833240 " Basal production and transient increases during stress of glucocorticoids and its hypothalamic regulators are essential for neuronal plasticity and normal brain function. While activation of the HPA axis is essential for survival during stress, chronic exposure to stress hormones can predispose to psychological, metabolic and immune alterations."
Dallman MF, Strack AM, Akana SF, Bradbury MJ, Hanson ES, Scribner KA, Smith M. 1993 Feast and famine: Critical role of glucocorticoids with insulin in daily energy flow. Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology. 14(4): 303-47 "The hypothesis proposed in this review is that normal diurnal rhythms in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis are highly regulated by activity in medial hypothalamic nuclei to effect an interaction between corticosteroids and insulin such that optimal metabolism results in response to changes in the fed or fasted state of the animal."
Habib KE et al. (2001) Neuroendocrinology of stress. Endocrinology and Metabolic Clincs of North America 30:695-728 PMID: 11571937
Wood GE et al. (2004) Stress-induced structural remodelling in hippocampus: prevention by lithium treatment Proc Natl Acad USA 101:3973-8 PMID: 15001711
Holly Clark 17:39 12/10/10
Dallman, F. 2009. Stress-induced obesity and the emotional nervous system. Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism. 21(3):159-165.
Torres, S., Nowson, C. 2007. Relationship between stress, eating behaviour, and obesity. Nutrition. 23:887-894. Gillian McNeill 11:29, 13 October 2010 (UTC)