Stress (journal)

Stress is a peer-reviewed biomedical journal that "aims to provide scientists involved in basic stress research with the possibility of reading a more integrated view of the field." It publishes primary research papers, invited reviews and short communications that deal with the mechanisms of stressful stimulation, including within and between individuals; the physiological and behavioural responses to stress, and their regulation, in both the short and long term; adaptive mechanisms, coping strategies and the pathological consequences of stress. It publishes clinical studies in humans as well as basic studies in laboratory animals, aiming to cover the latest developments in physiology, neurobiology, molecular biology, genetics research, immunology, and behavioural studies as they affect the understanding of stress, and of its adverse consequences and their amelioration.
Stress is published by 'Informa Healthcare'. The editor is Professor John A. Russell of the (University of Edinburgh UK, and he is supported by a large international editorial advisory board. The journal was established in 1996; the founding editors were Professors E Ronald De Kloet and Richard McCarty.
In 2009, the Thomson ISI Journal Citation Reports credited Stress with an impact factor of 3.205. That year, it was ranked 17/49 in the journal category 'Behavioral Sciences', 96/230 in 'Neurosciences', and 25/75 in 'Physiology.'
The journal publishes six issues each year, and is abstracted in: Chemical Abstracts, EBSCO, Elsevier Bibliographic Databases, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, Medline, Occupational Safety and Health database (OSH-DB), PASCAL, PsychInfo and Scopus. It levies no page charges.
- Stress: The International Journal on the Biology of Stress Journal homepage