Kilogram-force per square centimeter

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The kilogram-force per square centimeter (symbol: kgf/cm2 or often just kg/cm2) is a unit of pressure. It is the force exerted by one kilogram-force on one square centimeter.

Although the kgf utilizes metric units (e.g., kilogram and centimeter) and was once widely used, it has never been part of the modern International System of Units (SI) introduced in 1960 by the 11th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures (CGPM).[1] It is still used to some extent in a few countries, but is generally considered to be obsolete in most countries. The kgf is sometimes referred to as the kilopond per square centimeter (symbol: kp/cm2) or as the technical atmosphere (symbol: at).

1 kgf equals exactly 98,066.5 Pa, where pascal (Pa) is the modern SI unit of pressure.

Other pressure units and equivalents

For more information, see: Pressure.
Pressure Units
per square inch

per square centimeter

1 Pa ≡ 1 N/m2 10−5 9.8692×10−6 7.5006×10−3 145.04×10−6 1.01972×10−5
1 bar 100,000 ≡ 106 dyn/cm2 0.98692 750.06 14.504 1.01972
1 atm 101,325 1.01325 ≡ 1 atm 760 14.696 1.03323
1 torr 133.322 1.3332×10−3 1.3158×10−3 ≡ 1 torr
≈ 1 mmHg
19.337×10−3 1.35951×10−3
1 psi 6,894.76 68.948×10−3 68.046×10−3 51.715 ≡ 1 lbf/in2 7.03059×10−2
1 kgf/cm2 98,066.5 0.980665 0.967838 735.5576 14.22357 ≡ 1 kgf/cm2

Example reading:  1 Pa = 1 N/m2  = 10−5 bar  = 9.8692×10−6 atm  = 7.5006×10−3 torr, etc.
Note: mmHg is an abbreviation for millimetre of mercury
About the torr: There is no consensus in the technical literature about whether the name of the torr should be "Torr" or "torr". Nor is there any consensus about whether the symbol for that unit of pressure should be "Torr" or "torr". Both the United Kingdom's National Physical Laboratory (see Pressure Units) and New Zealand's Measurement Standards Laboratory (see Barometric Pressure Units) use "torr" as the name and as the symbol. An extensive search of the website of the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology found no such clear-cut definitions. Therefore, this table uses "torr" as both the name and the symbol.


  1. Resolution 12 of the 11th meeting of the CGPM (1960) The resolution by the Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures that created the modern International System of Units (SI).