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Clofibrate, also called chlorfenisate, chlorphenisate, clofibate and many other names, is a fibric acid derivative used to treat hyperlipoproteinemia type III and severe hypertriglyceridemia. The active form of the drug is the de-esterified product clofibric acid (chlorophenoxy isobutyric acid).
Its chemical name is ethyl 2-(4-chlorophenoxy)-2-methylpropanoate and its chemical formula is C12H15ClO3.
Synonyms and brand names
- Chlorfenisate
- Chlorphenisate
- Clofibate
- Clofibrato
- Clofibratum
- Ethyl chlorophenoxyisobutyrate
- Ethyl clofibrate
- Ethyl p-chlorophenoxyisobutyrate
- Ethyl para-chlorophenoxyisobutyrate
Brand Names
- Amotril
- Amotril S
- Angiokapsul
- Anparton
- Antilipid
- Antilipide
- Apolan
- Arterioflexin
- Arterosol
- Artes
- Artevil
- Ateculon
- Ateriosan
- Athebrate
- Atheromide
- Atheropront
- Athranid-Wirkstoff
- Atrolen
- Atromid
- Atromid S
- Atromid-S
- Atromida
- Atromidin
- Atrovis
- Azionyl
- Bioscleran
- Bresit
- Cartagyl
- Citiflus
- Claripex
- Claripex CPIB
- Cloberat
- Clobrat
- Clobren-5F
- Clobren-SF
- Clofar
- Clofibram
- Clofibrat
- Clofinit
- Clofipront
- Delipid
- Deliva
- Dura clofibrat
- Fibralem
- Gerastop
- Hyclorate
- Klofibrat
- Klofiran
- Levatrom
- Lipamid
- Lipavil
- Lipavlon
- Lipide 500
- Lipidsenker
- Lipofacton
- Lipomid
- Liponorm
- Liporeduct
- Liporil
- Liposid
- Liprin
- Liprinal
- Lobetrin
- Miscleron
- Negalip
- Neo-Atromid
- Normalip
- Normat
- Normolipol
- Novofibrate
- Oxan 600
- Persantinat
- Regardin
- Regelan
- Regelan N
- Robigram
- Scrobin
- Serofinex
- Serotinex
- Skerolip
- Sklerepmexe
- Sklero
- Sklero-Tablinen
- Sklero-tablinene
- Sklero-tabuls
- Sklerolip
- Skleromex
- Skleromexe
- Tetrasipton
- Thillate
- Thiosan
- Ticlobran
- Vincamin compositum
- Xyduril
- Yoclo
- neo-Atomid
External Links
The most up-to-date information about Clofibrate and other drugs can be found at the following sites.
- Clofibrate - FDA approved drug information (drug label) from DailyMed (U.S. National Library of Medicine).
- Clofibrate - Drug information for consumers from MedlinePlus (U.S. National Library of Medicine).
- Clofibrate - Detailed information from DrugBank.