Talk:Battle of the Plains of Abraham

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 Definition The 1759 battle which led to the end of French power in North America. [d] [e]
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 Talk Archive none  English language variant Canadian English


Not that I've thought a lot about the name, but I usually think of it as the Battle of Quebec. Mind you, this is much more poetic (hey, other than both getting killed, the commanders were very romantic), but I just haven't seen it used.

I am thinking of at least one resource on Parliament Hill whom I can ask, a very good historian he is. For that matter, I'll drop a note now to a military mailing list that has several Canadians on it. Howard C. Berkowitz 01:38, 2 April 2009 (UTC)

I've heard it referred to as that, but Britannica and the Canadian Encyclopedia use Battle of the plains of Abraham or variants. Good 'nuff as far as I'm concerned. -Derek Hodges 02:20, 2 April 2009 (UTC)
besides, Acadian Driftwood wouldn't sound as good with "...over what went down at the Battle of Quebec" -Derek Hodges 02:26, 2 April 2009 (UTC)