Missile defense/Related Articles

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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about Missile defense.
See also changes related to Missile defense, or pages that link to Missile defense or to this page or whose text contains "Missile defense".

Parent topics


Other related topics

  • Radar [r]: Acronym for "radio detection and ranging"; a system used to locate a distant object by transmission of radio waves and reception of their reflection. [e]

Articles related by keyphrases (Bot populated)

  • Marshall Islands [r]: Formerly a U.S. trust territory, site of major Japanese bases in WWII, and then used for U.S. nuclear testing after the war; now a semi-independent facility with local government but the U.S. in control of foreign policy; the U.S. operates large ballistic missile defense test ranges [e]
  • Directed energy weapon [r]: Weapons that do not use explosive force or direct thermal effects to damage, but achieve their effects by means of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation, acoustic energy or possibly charged particle beams [e]