Crotalus scutulatus

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Crotalus scutulatus
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Subphylum: Vertebrata
Class: Reptilia
Order: Squamata
Suborder: Serpentes
Family: Viperidae
Subfamily: Crotalinae
Genus: Crotalus
Species: C. scutulatus

Crotalus Scutulatus is a venomous rattlesnake species commonly known as the Mohave (Mojave) rattlesnake. Some other names associated with this rattlesnake include the Mojave Green rattlesnake. It is not endangered and it's conservation status is: Least Concern.[1]


Crotalus Scutulatus usually measures between 2' and 4'" long. The rattlesnakes, C. Scutulatus can be identified by the diamond shaped pattern that becomes off-set in color near the snake's tail. The Mohave snake is greenish gray to tannish brown in color. Color variations are based on terrain.[2] [3] [4] [5][6]


There current range spans from the Mojave Desert through extreme northern Colorado. They are also found in Arizona, Texas and Mexico. They are endemic throughout the southwestern desert of North America.[2] [7][8]

(PD) Image: USGS Photographer Kathie Meyer
The Mohave (Mojave) Green rattlenake. This is one of the most dangerous snakes in Northern America.


C. Scutulatus prefers living where there are numerous creosote plants. Unlike most rattlesnakes the Mohave Green prefers to live alone , or perhaps with a couple other Mohave snakes. They often sleep in rodent burrows. [9][10]They also tend to be nocturnal.[9]


C. Scutulatus hibernate during the winter months and emerge during spring when they actively seek food.[2]

Reproductive cyle

C. Scutulatus have a bimodal mating pattern. Coitus and reproductive behavior was seen either in the summer/fall or spring seasons. C. Scutulatus give birth to live young and do not lay eggs.[10]Males reach sexual maturation between 16 and 20 months while females reach maturity at 25 months.[11]


C. Scutulatus venom is one of the most potent. “The Mohave Rattlesnake venom is ten times more toxic than other North American Rattlesnakes”.[12][13] Type A induces neurotoxic effects. Mohave toxin, or a similar toxin, has been detected in the venom of other rattlesnake species. The toxin impairs the presynaptic acetylcholine release. Type B Venom may cause local, proteolytic, andhemorrhagic effects.Renal failure is also reported. Venom B is less lethal than Venom A. Some Mohave rattlesnakes carry both Venon A and B. Most reported deaths involved the individual intentionally interacting with the Mohave Green.[14] [15] [16]

Snakebite symptoms

Some symptoms reported include muscle weakness, respiratory failure, lethargy, fainting, tachycardia, muscle movements and shock.[14]


Immediate medical care should be sought. Antivenom is available, if needed. Do not try to catch the snake to take to the hospital as further injury could occur.[17] [9]
