Huey Long/Bibliography

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A list of key readings about Huey Long.
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  • Bloom, Harold. Robert Penn Warren's All the King's Men (1987) online edition
  • Boulard, Garry. Huey Long: His Life in Photos, Drawings, and Cartoons. Gretna, La.: Pelican, 2003. 127 pp.
  • Boulard, Garry. Huey Long Invades New Orleans: The Siege of a City, 1934-36. Gretna, La.: Pelican, 1998. 277 pp.
  • Brinkley, Alan. Voices of Protest: Huey Long, Father Coughlin, & the Great Depression (1982), 348pp ; argues Long was a Jeffersonian trying protect the traditionalistic yeoman farmer from the modernizing encroachments of the rich elites; excerpt and text search
  • Burt, John. "Thirteen Ways of Kooking at a Kingfish." The Mississippi Quarterly 58#3-4 (2005) pp 795+. online edition
  • Cortner, Richard C. The Kingfish and the Constitution: Huey Long, the First Amendment, and the Emergence of Modern Press Freedom in America. Greenwood, 1996. 196 pp. online edition
  • Gunn, Joshua. "Hystericizing Huey: Emotional Appeals, Desire, and the Psychodynamics of Demagoguery." Western Journal of Communication 21#1 (2007) pp. 1+. online edition
  • Haas, Edward F., ed. The Age of the Longs: Louisiana, 1928-1960. (Louisiana Purchase Bicentennial Series, vol. 8.) Lafayette: Center for Louisiana Studies, 2001. 527 pp.
  • Hair, William Ivy. The Kingfish and His Realm: The Life and Times of Huey P. Long (1991) 406pp, standard scholarly biography; less favorable than Williams
  • Howard, Perry H. Political Tendencies in Louisiana (1971), by political scientist online edition
  • Jeansonne, Glen. Messiah of the Masses: Huey P. Long and the Great Depression. 1993. 204 pp. short, scholarly and very hostile
  • Jeansonne, Glen, ed. Huey at 100: Centennial Essays on Huey P. Long. Ruston, La.: McGinty, 1995. 237 pp.
  • Kane, Harnett T. Louisiana Hayride: The American Rehearsal for Dictatorship, 1928-1940 (1949) 476 pp. journalistic and sensational (Williams is better) online edition
  • Perry, Keith Ronald. The Kingfish in Fiction: Huey P. Long and the Modern American Novel (2004) 224pp excerpt and text search
  • Potter, David M. "Long, Huey Pierce, (Aug. 30, 1893 - Sept. 10, 1935),' Dictionary of American Biography Supp 1 (1964)
  • Sanson, Jerry P., "'What he did and what he promised to do': Huey Long and the Horizons of Louisiana Politics," Louisiana History, 47 (Summer 2006), 261–76.
  • Schlesinger, Arthur M. Jr., The Age of Roosevelt, vol 3: The Politics of Upheaval (1960), chapter on Long
  • Sindler, Alan P. Huey Long's Louisiana: State Politics 1928-1940 (1956) by political scientist
  • Steinberg, Alfred. The Bosses: Frank Hague, James Curley, Ed Crump, Huey Long, Gene Talmadge, Tom Pendergast - The Story of the Ruthless Men who Forged the American Political Machines that Dominated the Twenties and Thirties. 1972. 379 pp.
  • Williams, T. Harry. "The Gentleman from Louisiana: Demagogue or Democrat." The Journal of Southern History 26 (1960): 3-21. in JSTOR
  • Williams, T. Harry. Huey Long (1969); 949pp; Pulitzer Prize; the standard scholarly biography; generally favorableexcerpt and text search
  • PBS, Ken Burns's 1987 documentary

Primary sources

  • Long, Huey P. Kingfish to America: Share Our Wealth. edited by Henry M. Christman; (1985). 143 pp.