Norman Borlaug/Bibliography

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Brown, Lester R., "The Agricultural Revolution in Asia", Foreign Affairs, 46 (July, 1968) 688 - 698.
Brown, Lester R., Seeds of Change: The Green Revolution and Development in the 1970's. New York, Praeger, 1970. Contains a bibliography.
Freeman, Orville, World without Hunger. New York, Praeger, 1968.
The Green Revolution: A Symposium on Science and Foreign Policy. Proceedings before the Subcommittee on National Security Policy and Scientific Developments of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives, 91st Congress, First Session, December 5, 1969 (#38-612) J. Washington, D.C., U.S. Government Printing Office, 1970.
Hardin, Clifford M., ed., Overcoming World Hunger. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall, 1969.
Johnson, David Gale, The Struggle against World Hunger. New York, Foreign Policy Association, 1967.
Ladejinsky, Wolf, "Ironies of India's Green Revolution", Foreign Affairs, 48 (July, 1970) 758-768.
Myrdal, Gunnar, The Challenge of World Poverty: A World Anti-Poverty Program in Outline, chap. 4, "Agriculture " pp. 78-138. New York, Pantheon Books, 1970.
Paarlberg, Don, Norman Borlaug: Hunger Fighter. Foreign Economic Development Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, cooperating with the U.S. Agency for International Development (PA 969). Washington, D. C., U.S. Government Printing Office, 1970.
"Statement to the Press" from Dr. J. George Harrar, President of the Rockefeller Foundation. New York, The Rockefeller Foundation, October 21, 1970.
"U.S. Agronomist Gets Nobel Peace Prize", the New York Times (October 22, 1970) 1.
Wharton, Clifton R., Jr.,"The Green Revolution: Cornucopia or Pandora's Box", Foreign Affairs, 47 (April, 1969) 464-476.