Heng Swee Keat

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Heng Swee Keat
Other names 王瑞杰
Heng Swee Keat.jpg
Born 15 April 1961
State of Singapore
Occupation Politician
Political party People's Action Party

Heng Swee Keat is a People's Action Party (PAP) member, and one of the MP representing East Coast GRC at the time.


Racial discrimination controversy

attended a forum at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) on 28 March 2019. An Assistant Professor, Walid Jumblatt Abdullah, asked: “Is it Singapore who is not ready for a non-Chinese prime minister, or is it the PAP (the ruling People’s Action Party) who is not ready for a non-Chinese prime minister?” Heng answered: “My own experience in walking the ground, in working with different people from all walks of life, is that the views — if you go by age and by life experience — would be very different, I do think that at the right time, when enough people think that we may have a minority leader, a minority who becomes the leader of the country, that is something that we can all hope for.”[1]

The police released a statement on 7 July 2020, confirmed that police report were made against Heng over his remarks, and stating that they had consulted the Attorney-General's Chambers (AGC) and claimed that Heng's remarks had no intent to wound anyone's racial feelings or promote enmity between different races.[2][3]
