American Revolution, naval history/Bibliography

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A list of key readings about American Revolution, naval history.
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  • Allen, Gardner Weld. A Naval History of the American Revolution (1913) full text online; online at Google
  • Buel, Richard, Jr. In Irons: Britain's Naval Supremacy and the American Revolutionary Economy. (1998). 397 pp.
  • Callo, Joseph. John Paul Jones: America's First Sea Warrior. (2006). 250 pp.
  • Cogliano, Francis D. American Maritime Prisoners in the Revolutionary War: The Captivity of William Russell. Naval Inst. Press, 2001. 218 pp.
  • Conway, Stephen. "British Mobilization in the War of American Independence." Historical Research 1999 72(177): 58-76. Issn: 0950-3471 Fulltext: in Ebsco
  • Dull, Jonathan R. "Mahan, Sea Power, and the War for American Independence." International History Review 1988 10(1): 59-67.
  • Dull, Jonathan R. The French Navy and American Independence: A Study of Arms and Diplomacy, 1774-1787. (1975). 437 pp.
  • Fowler, William M. Rebels Under Sail (1976), the standard scholarly history
  • Fowler, William M., Jr. Silas Talbot: Captain of Old Ironsides. Mystic Seaport Museum, 1995. 231 pp
  • Fowler, William. "The Business of War: Boston as a Navy Base, 1776-1783." American Neptune 1982 42(1): 25-35. Issn: 0003-0155
  • Gardiner, Robert, ed. Navies and the American Revolution, 1775-1783. (Chatham Pictorial Histories Series.) (1996). 192 pp.
  • Gordon, Maurice Bear. Naval and Maritime Medicine During the American Revolution. Ventnor, 1978. 134 pp.
  • Gruber, Ira. Howe Brothers and the American Revolution (1975), the standard biography of Admiral Howe and his brother Gemneral Howe
  • Hearn, Chester G. George Washington's Schooners: The First American Navy. (1995). 285 pp.
  • Mahan, Alfred Thayer. The Major Operations of the Navies in the War of American Independence, (1913) complete text online; also full text online
  • Mahan, Alfred Thayer. The Influence of Sea Power Upon History, 1660-1783 (1890) 557 pages; perhaps the most influential history book ever written full text online
  • Miller, Nathan. Sea of Glory: The Continental Navy Fights for Independence, 1775-1783. (1974). 558 pp. popular history; compare Fowler (1976)
  • Morison, Samuel Eliot. John Paul Jones (1959), Pulitzer Prize excerpt and text search
  • Norton, Louis Arthur. Joshua Barney: Hero of the Revolution and 1812. (2000). 226 pp. excerpt and text search
  • Paullin, Charles, ed. The Navy of the American Revolution; its administration, its policy, and its achievements (1906) full text online
  • Sands, John Ogilby. "Sea Power at Yorktown: The Archaeology of the Captive Fleet." PhD dissertation George Washington U. 1980. 284 pp. DAI 1980 41(1): 371-A. 8014045
  • Syrett, David. "'This Penurious Old Reptile': Rear-Admiral James Gambier and the American War." Historical Research 2001 74(183): 63-76. Issn: 0950-3471 Fulltext: in Ebsco
  • Syrett, David. The Royal Navy in European Waters during the American Revolution. (1998). 213 pp. excerpt and text search
  • Syrett, David. The Royal Navy in American Waters, 1775-1783. (1989). 250 pp.
  • Thomas, Evan. John Paul Jones: Sailor, Hero, Father of the American Navy (2003) excerpt and text search
  • Tilley, John A. The British Navy and the American Revolution. (1987). 332 pp.
  • Volo, James M. Blue Water Patriots: The American Revolution Afloat. (2007) 307 pp. isbn 0-275-98907-0.)

Primary sources

  • Naval Documents of the American Revolution (Government Printing Office, 1964-). 10 volumes of primary sources.
    • latest: Crawford, Michael J.; Bowen-Hassell, E. Gordon; and Conrad, Dennis M., ed.; Hayes, Mark L. eds. Naval Documents of the American Revolution. Vol. 11: American Theater, January 1, 1778-March 31, 1778; European Theater, January 1, 1778-March 31, 1778. Naval History Center, 2005. 1395 pp.