Communism/Related Articles

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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about Communism.
See also changes related to Communism, or pages that link to Communism or to this page or whose text contains "Communism".

Parent topics

  • Socialism [r]: Any socio-economic system in which property and distribution of wealth are controlled by a community, by cooperation law. [e]
  • Karl Marx [r]: 19th century philosopher and economist. Creator of a theoretical foundation for Communism. [e]


Other related topics

Articles related by keyphrases (Bot populated)

  • Edward Teller [r]: (1908-2003) One of the most controversial scientists of the 20th century because of his role as the main developer of the hydrogen bomb, his outspoken defense of an unassailable nuclear arsenal, and support for President Reagan's Strategic Defensive Initiative. [e]
  • American conservatism [r]: A diverse mix of political ideologies that contrast with liberalism, socialism, secularism and communism. [e]
  • Ukraine [r]: A large Slavic nation in Eastern Europe whose capital is Kyiv (Kiev). [e]
  • J. Lawton Collins [r]: A general in the United States Army, who served as Chief of Staff of the Army during the Korean War. [e]