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The AN/SPS-64 is a surface navigation and search radar, made by Raytheon and used both commercially (brand name Mariner's Pathfinder) and by navies worldwide. It is a modular system of electronics and antennas, with different power levels and operating frequencies. Naval vessels may use it when their pure military radars are in standby, as it does not reveal the presence of a warship.

In Navy use, the most common AN/SPS-64(V)1 system comes equipped with a 6-ft (1.83-m) bar-type antenna and a 20-kW transmitter-receiver. The antenna is hidden by a protective radome, but the radar is the top enclosure on the center mast in the illustration. The range is approximately 50 nm (92.6 km) and the radar can automatically track up to 20 targets simultaneously.[1] It provides both a standard display and target message generation with the Automatic Radar Plotting Aid. Frequency options include E/F and I/J military bands or IEEE S or X bands, with power levels from 10 to 60 kilowatts.

It is on AEGIS ships, but not tightly coupled with the AEGIS battle management system. AEGIS AN/SPY-1 radar can handle surface engagements, especially with the RIM-156 Standard SM-2 in surface-to-surface mode.


  1. "AN/SPS-64", Warfighter's Encyclopedia