User:Mario Hoerich

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The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.

Hi. I’m Mario, a too-old German student of computer science at the University of Paderborn. Prior to that, I successfully completed an IT apprenticeship, but have since discovered an intense craving for something more theoretical than mere programming or the technical intricacies of the latest hardware. Being a person whose curiosity can be piqued quite easily, I find it rather hard to pinpoint my interests with any kind of accuracy—they somehow tend to shift rather often and abrupt. Among the few constants I have so far determined is a rather healthy interest in cryptography and a rather unhealthy—as opposed to professionally useful–one in epidemiology and virology. I wouldn’t exactly classify myself as particularly knowledgeable in either domain, though.

As encyclopedic experience, I’ve been a contributor and admin in the German Wikipedia for the last couple of years, pretty much doing every dirty work there is. However, as Wikipedia’s inherent flaws–and the community’s seeming inability to change—increasingly frustrate me, I’m looking for a new project. Citizendium rectifies some of my main gripes—such as keeping anonymous contributors out—so I’ll give it a shot. As a non-native speaker, who has never written English articles, I might need some time to adapt, however.