User:Dana Ullman

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Dana Ullman, M.P.H. (Masters in Public Health, U.C. Berkeley) is "" and is widely recognized as the foremost spokesperson for homeopathic medicine in the U.S.

Dana Ullman's newest book, The Homeopathic Revolution: Why Famous People and Cultural Heroes Choose Homeopathy, is a scholarly researched and popularly written book that confirms that many of the most famous people and cultural heroes of the past 200 years used, appreciated, and/or advocated for homeopathy, including 11 American presidents, 7 popes, Charles Darwin, Mother Teresa, Tina Turner, and many many more. The Physician to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth wrote the Foreword to this seminal work.

Dana Ullman co-authored America's most popular homeopathic guidebook, Everybody's Guide to Homeopathic Medicines (Jeremy Tarcher/Putnam, revised 2004), updated four times since its initial publication in 1984 (and published in eight languages).

He has authored five other homeopathic books, including:

Essential Homeopathy (New World Library, 2002) Homeopathy A-Z (Hay House, 1999) 'Consumer's Guide to Homeopathy'Bold text (Tarcher/Putnam, 1996), Discovering Homeopathy: Medicine for the 21st Century (North Atlantic, 1991) (this book includes a foreword by Dr. R.W. Davey, Physician to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II). Homeopathic Medicines for Children and Infants (Jeremy Tarcher/Putnam, 1992)

Dana founded Homeopathic Educational Services, America's largest publisher and distributor of homeopathic books, tapes, software, and medicine kits. For 10 years (1990-2000), he served as formulator and spokesperson for a line of homeopathic medicine manufactured by Nature's Way, one of America's leading natural products companies. His website is:

Dana Ullman co-taught a ten-week course on homeopathy at the University of California at San Francisco School of Medicine from 1993 to 1995 and again in 1998. He also has served or has been asked to serve as an advisory board member to alternative medicine institutes at Columbia and University of Alaska schools of medicine. Dr. Andrew Weil's Program in Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona asked Dana to develop their curriculum in homeopathy for their physician associate fellows.

Ullman lectures regularly at medical schools (UCSF, UC Davis, Stanford), and he has authored or co-authored chapters on homeopathy in medical textbooks, including:

Homeopathic Medicine: Principles and Research, in Complementary and Alternative Veterinary Medicine: Principles and Practice, edited by Allen M. Schoen, DVM, and Susan G. Wynn, DVM, PhD, New York: Mosby, 1998.

• Homeopathy (co-authored with Michael Loes, MD), in Weiner’s Pain Management: A Practical Guide for Clinicians, edited by M. V. Boswell and B. E. Cole, 7th edition, New York: Taylor and Francis, 2006 (a leading textbook for physicians who specialize in pain management).

• Homeopathy for Primary and Adjunctive Cancer Therapy (co-authored with Menacham Oberbaum, MD, Iris Bell, MD, PhD, and Shepherd Roee Singer, MD), in Integrative Oncology'Bold text', edited by Andrew Weil, MD and Donald Abrams, MD, in 2009 from Oxford University Press.

Dana Ullman authored two other leading books that are humorous and practical health guides:

The One-Minute (or so) Healer: More Wisdom from the Sages, the Rosemarys, & the Times (North Atlantic, 2004), a practical, lighthearted health guide that provides instruction on treating common ailments with a variety of natural healing strategies (and published in ten languages!). The Steps to Healing: Wisdom from the Sages, the Rosemarys, & the Times (Hay House, 1999)

He has written over 200 published articles in a variety of respected publications, including Western Journal of Medicine, Social Policy, The Futurist, Utne Reader, California Living (the Sunday magazine to the S.F. Chronicle and S.F. Examiner), as well as numerous health care and homeopathic journals. Besides authoring many books and articles, Dana has served as publisher of 35 major texts in homeopathy by other authors.

Dana has also authored an e-book entitled Homeopathic Family Medicine: Evidence Based Nanopharmacology, which is a review of the homeopathic treatment of 100+ common ailments for which homeopathic medicines can be effectively used to treat. This e-book is frequently updated in its reference to and description of clinical research (this information is of value of health and medical professionals as well as anyone interested in "evidence-based" medicine).

Dana Ullman has been particularly active in working with major institutions and getting them to change their attitudes and policies towards natural health care. He has organized successful conferences that were sponsored by the federal Department of Health & Human Services ("Holistic Health: Policies in Action," May, 1980) and U.C. Berkeley ("Conceptualizing Energy Medicine," March, 1981). He authored the San Francisco Foundation's Health Report, which changed the funding priorities of this major philanthropic institution. He consulted on a research project sponsored by the California medical board that ultimately recommended many of his proposals. He has served as a consultant to the World Health Organization.

From 1986 to 2007, he served as chairperson for the National Center for Homeopathy's Annual Conference, America's leading non-profit organization.

Dana Ullman has been the health book reviewer to the Utne Reader. He has served on the Advisory or Editorial boards of many popular magazines, including Natural Health, Let's Live, Body and Soul, and remedies, as well as peer-review journals such as The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. He received a doctoral degree in homeopathy (D.H.M.) from the British Institute of Homeopathy.