Sovereign default

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The term sovereign debt is generally taken to refer to the failure of a government to comply with its interest payment or debt repayment obligations. That is not a working definition, however, because it is necessary for practical purposes to ignore trivial defaults such as briefly delayed payments, and to make a choice among a range of options such as whether to include the agreed rescheduling of debt, or international bail-outs of sovereign debtors. Practice varies among researchers, and although some of them extend the interpretation of the term to include private sector as well as public sector debt, most of them confine the application of the term to debt held by foreign creditors. Losses suffered by creditors because of inflation or exchange rate changes are not normally included.


Governments have from time to time chosen to stop servicing their debts rather than attempt to raise the necessary money by taxation. In most cases that choice was effectively forced upon the government concerned by a combination of economic and currency crises, and in most cases it was followed by a restructuring agreement between the defaulting government and its creditors, and the resumption of payments. Under the terms of the post-war Bretton Woods agreement, intervention by the International Monetary Fund may be called upon in order to avoid or mitigate the damage done by sovereign default. Since the 1990s, the ability to insure against default by the purchase of credit default swaps has affected the incidence of default and added to the influence of the credit rating agencies.

Post-war sovereign defaults have been confined to emerging market economies, but the increases in national debt brought about by the recession of 2009 have raised the possibility of default by countries with an established market economies, as indicated by a growth in the premiums that have been added to their bond yields.



19th century

Pre-war 20th century

Post-war 20th century

21st century

Causes of default

Rescues and recoveries

Costs of default

Default premiums

Policy implications
