Frank Conner (golfer)

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Frank Conner (January 11, 1946, Vienna, Austria) was an American professional golfer and amateur tennis player who, along with the all-time tennis great Ellsworth Vines, is the only man to have ever played in the national Open championships of both sports. It is arguable which of the two was the better golfer: both of them played for a number of years on the Professional Golfers of America Tour. Vines won at least one PGA event and had a number of high finishes; Conner had a number of second-place finishes on the PGA Tour and won two official money-winning events but never an actual PGA tournament. Vines was a far greater tennis player: he was the World No. 1 player for four years in the 1930s. Although a fine amateur player, Conners never won a major tournament and, in the three years he entered what then called the United States National Championships, which was open only to amateur players, he lost twice in the first round and once in the second round.

played on the PGA Tour, Nationwide Tour, and Champions Tour. He was also an accomplished amateur tennis player. He and Ellsworth Vines are the only men to play in the U.S. Open in both tennis and golf.[1][2]