Computer program

In computing, computer programs at a basic level are bundles of instructions to be executed on a computer. Programs generally consist of code that is to be executed, process input, and as a result of processing return output to the user.
Computer programs can be as simple as a block of code that outputs "Hello world!" or complex enough to browse the Internet and display web pages. One example of a rather complex program would be the Mozilla Firefox web browser.
Generally programs are written to run on top of an operating system, which in turn manages the hardware resources of a computer.
There are a myriad of various ways to write a computer program. On a basic level one could write machine code designed to run directly on top of hardware. This is a tedious task, and several other methods to create programs have evolved over the history of computing
In modern times typically if one chooses to write a program, a programming language is chosen (such as C, Java or Python) and then the syntax of that language is learned. Over time a programmer learns various skills in order to "develop code." Some programmers consider themselves as much artists as engineers.